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morning panic

for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
rhondaro, my panic has changed throughout the years. I used to have really bad insomnia , but this time that hasn't happened to me. I used to have difficulty breathing , but that was only when I was obessesd with my heart and I had alot of palpitations and chest pain. I do have alot of headaches that I think are stressed related. My anxiety disorder has manifest it self in so many different ways over the years I have probably had it all. this time it is more in my head if that makes sense. I have very few physical symtoms everything is mostly mental this time. I'm getting better and even have weeks where I feel like myself again, but it creeps back up on me periodically and I have to work through it again. that's when I come here and refresh my memory and talk it out with everyone. It's always encouraging to talk to others who are going through the same thing as you.
for 20 år siden 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Both.... I mean I use the breathing in the morning before I get out of bed to slow myself down. I use the positive thoughts whenever the negatives one start creeping up. I don't have any anxiety except when driving, so my routines center around when I'm getting ready to drive. I firmly believe that I have to make a conscious effort to think about the positives...I KNOW WE ALL have them...we just tend to doubt ourselves and our abilities...but truly if I base my thoughts on reality, it cannot be ignored..the worst NEVER happens..I AM a good driver...and the more I relax, the better I feel.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nice to hear from you again Kitkat. Do you find that deep breathing helps or replacing a negative thought with a positive thought really helps I have never tried that. I always figured that if you figured negative and some thing postive happened you are ahead of the game.
for 20 år siden 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well it does sort of make sense to me, anyway. I firmly believe that thoughts are what causes the feelings that follow. I mean, for instance, imagine how many times you've said, "If x happens, I'm going to be angry, sad, devastated...whatever negative. What if, instead, you said "If x happens, I'm going to acknowledge that feeling, but not let it immobilize me..I mean, it's like you move on from that moment and don't get frozen in time. Let's face it, we pretty much believe what we tell ourselves. For every doubt, I know I can come up with some affirmation that can at least compete with the negative thought. The first thing I have been doing in the morning, is laying in bed for a few minutes breathing and telling myself to just slow down. It seems to work because by the time I get in my car, I'm way more calm about driving. I don't dwell on anything exept what I will do when I get to work, what I'm having for lunch..just little things that keep my mind busy. The more I focus away from anxious thoughts, the more I can control them. My 2 cents anyway...Hey runner,,,nice to see you again!! :)
for 20 år siden 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Pam I'm 33 and my last bad panic period was 6 yrs ago. I've had some panic attacks in between but not like this. Even 6 yrs ago I never had that song thing or all these thought popping into my head. What about having a hard time breathing? If you've had it how long does it last for you? Also everyone else talks about not being able to sleep whereas that's all I want to do what's up with that? Did you or do you get headaches?
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I also have early morning anxiety.As the day goes along the anxiety decreases. Iamalso looking for suggestions on ways to reduce the anxiety. I am also looking for elementary teachers who have anxiety problems in the classroom. I feel like the only one with problems like this. My doctor tells me I have to be more positive with them. I am going back for the first in two weeks.Iam looking for suggestions.
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
kitcat, I think your on to something, that probably is the best way to short circuit the negative thoughts. We just have to immediately replace them with positive thoughts. Hey maybe we should charge $179.00 like charles linden!
for 20 år siden 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hear ya Pam! Guess my busy mind does not lead to any kind of panic..almost the opposite. But if it did, I'm sure I'd be looking for ways to short circuit it, too. Hmmmm...it's hard to know what to tell you. Maybe for each negative thought that pops into your head, think of a positive one that negates it. Even if you don't believe it, still force yourself to think of one. I think I have used this myself. When I have doubts about my driving, I MAKE myself mentally list all the things that make me a GOOD driver. It's a battle, sometimes, I admit. But so much of what we believe about ourselves simply isn't true, it would seem that something that IS true deserves at least the same consideration, if NOT MORE>... Maybe others will have better suggestions for you... :)
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
kitcat, I think I've figured out why the racing thoughts bother me so much when others ,like you, can take them in stride. My thoughts are usually about my panic and what I went through several months ago when it was really bad. these thoughts cause my anxiety level to go up, so I try to stop them and the more I try the worse the thoughts become. When I get into a negative thought pattern then the physical responses happen. My fight or flight mechanism is triggered. So the thing to do is stop the negative thoughts as soon as they start. I'm not sure what others do ,but if I find myself having a stressful day or maybe it's my time of the month, but something will cause me to feel different. Everyone has these days of feeling out of it, over worked and tired, to many things on our to do list so we feel overwhelmed, maybe sick from a mild virus. Whatever the cause of the feelings doesn't matter, what I do is begin to say to myself this feels sorta like when I was having panic attacks. That is the trigger for my mind to give over to the worry about oh no is it coming back? Is today going to be a day full of fear? Once I start that then the physical symptoms start tightness in my chest, my head gets tingling, I feel like bursting into tears and then I have to work for days to bring myself back out of it. Now that I've figured that out I have to figure out how to stop my mind from doing the negative thinking. If anyone can offer any tips I would greatly appreciate it.
for 20 år siden 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I swing from the two extremes. I was panicking, as I was going to bed...palpitations and all. I would be afraid that I wouldn't get to sleep before morning. That something would happen to me if I didn't sleep...and of course there was the thought that help wouldn't be available when the rest of the world was sleeping. Then I decided that that was a waste of energy. Then I came to realize that my body craved sleep and I slept all the time, if I just didn't worry about it. Your body will sleep when it is tired, eventually! (Right now I am in a cycle of very little sleep.) Then just as I have kicked that in the butt, then panic comes upon awakening. Like now my brain just can't face another day of doing this anxiety thing and life in general. Then a new thing is the strange thoughts I get upon awakening from my slumber...I try to go back to sleep, because I want to forget the thoughts...but as hard as I try...I can't get rid of them unless I get out of bed...even if I have only had 4 or so hours of sleep. I really have no answer for this, but that I see I am not alone.

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