I think I am too much better!
I am chatty, and easily distracted this morning, where I was falling asleep yesterday. The loud pop music is very agressive this morning and I had to change the radio station to blahblahblah...
I want to be organizing my son's birthday party, I want to buy some shelving for the basement, I want a sky blue glossy ceiling in the bathroom with two towel shelves and a fern or three hanging from me-made macrame thingies, and i signed up for three outing at work that cost way!!! too much for my budget of the month. and work!
see. Why does this happen? Why am I fighting to stay awake one day and I am fighting to stay on my chair the next day? I have to fight with myself and do what is necessary - work, pay bills, raise children and be responsible adult. Not be this fly by the seat of my pants, impulsive, spoiled brat.
So my mood has shot upward, but I am still in the struggle. I am still full of questions. Am I bipolar or crazy? why are these moods up and down all of a sudden... I recognise them or am I headed to the funny farm in a hand-cart? Am I schzo? psycho? folle? imaginging this and have munchowzen??
Sorry Lady. I saw that your day isn't much better. and here I am rattling on and on. I do not really know where I am going anymore.