Bad few days...the yo yoing really gets to me. Feeling overwhelmed & stressed. It has been one thing after another and my coping skills are pretty well non-existent. Trying desperately to get in a positive frame of mind but stuff keeps happening....front door is rotting so had to be replaced, stove top got cracked, oven not working properly, leak in the ceiling is not the shower but the copper pipe ...numerous bills keep coming in and on going trust issues with my son. I have no idea when he's telling the truth or not and it makes me really sad. He claims that he put a gym membership on hold as he's living here for the summer but they have no record of it and the full charge got deducted from my bank account, he says they didn't give him a copy,,,,he gets so deep I to a lie that he has to see it through, I have always said that the lie is worse than whatever it is he's lying about. I am such an honest person and gave up my career to raise my son (21) and daughter, now 19, that I can't believe he's like this. I question whether or not he is a good person and that alone makes me feel awful. My daughter is nothing like him....she is responsible, trustworthy and reliable. I had a great relationship with my son growing up but it all changed when he was in highschool. He is obsessed with stuff and money and begrudges that we don't do more for him.....we gave him a car, pay for the insurance, paid for his 3 years of post-secondary, etc. we at beginning to distant ourselves from him financially as he is not a student at the moment. I value my principles above all and wonder what happened to his? It's sunny out so I am going to force myself to go outside to try to put things into perspective.