hello Gailerina,
search by site as below
discuss with your doctor before making any conclusion.I took it for 2-3 months.Now I am on pure Brahmi from last one month.
I'm planning to talk to the doctor when I go Saturday. As I was thinking, I have no idea if my vitamins would affect any of the medicines, but I need my vitamins (off brand one a day metabolism and vitamin D).
So we will see.
I suggest consulting a health care practitioner that can provide you with information you need on taking the right supplements as opposed to relying on what you may find from using google or searching online. They can help you make safe choices by taking into account your current health concerns, supplements and medications etc...
Thank you for that information.
I always read the labels and research online and check places like web md before I take something.
I am thinking of getting some SAM-e tonight and trying that out.
I've taken them all except Brami which I might try. A warning about only one. Do not take St. Johns wort with anything else, it can make you very sick. These things are all only adjuncts to CBT. They can make you think clearer or they can make you so dozy your cure gets prolonged. What ever you do, do it with caution.
The class sounds interesting, but I'm in school until December 1st. I'll have to put it on alert though.
I was just reading about sam-e, has anyone tried that before? I heard it can be taken with Valerian root (I plan to ask a pharmacist though).
The cost of developing one drug now is a million dollars, versus being able to develop many for the same amount of money in 1950, so you're right.
Coursera.org has a nov. 4 course on "drugs and your brain" which goes into that, if you wish to stare into a monitor for 9 weeks, instead of ....boxing maybe
I think I will try the valerian root for a few days, I was able to finally find a place to make an appointment to get an eval and see if I do medication (extremely hard apparently) but my insurance covers everything. I am hoping between the doctor and my therapist, things will slowly get better.
Valerian also smells weird.
I also got a nice calming tea from the vitamin shoppe, it's organic, which is the direction I want to slowly go into.