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Ashley -> Health Educator

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2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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Meds, Symptoms and Support

for 15 år siden 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sometimes dealing with doctors can be a difficult experience. However, you know your body best and your doctor will understand your wishes. In terms of the Abilfy, if you explain to your doctor about your reasons for not taking this medication, he/she will understand your experience. They may have had other patients who have also encountered the same problem. If you express these concerns to them, your doctor may also be able to suggest another prescription that may not cost as much.
If you do choose to take the Abilfy, please consult with your pharmacist about the side effects. They will be able to tell you what to expect and how to manage these symptoms.
Members, has anyone had experience taking Abilfy? What was your experience like? Has anyone encountered a similar problem to Brandie with speaking to your doctor about your concerns with your medication? How did your doctor respond to these concerns?
Sarah, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Need a little support on dealing with my pshyc. doctor. I am on 20 mg or Paxil once daily at bedtime. I told my therapist about the foggy/lightheaded feeling I still get in my head. He suggested I call my pshy. doctor. I called him and guess what. He prescribed me Abilfy. I've seen commericial after commericial on this stuff and the side effects have me terrified. I went in to the office to pick up some samples. I took two of them, then I thought, well I better call the pharmacy and find out how much this stuff costs cause I heard it's expensive. The cheapest I found it was 459.00. So, needless to say I did not take anymore. Now I'm scared to tell my doctor cause he'll think I'm not trying to get better. I thought abilify was for depression anyways? I have that but only because of the anxiety. Do you guys think he'll understand?

for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Carmen,

Well I haven't really switched medication but I have ceased many medications. I knew it would be a challenge. But oddly enough it was easier for me than I had believed it would be. And I am a big wuss! I had a bit of lightheadedness, a little bit of nausea at first and a few headaches. That is pretty much it. The key is to do things gradually, in baby  steps, to follow the plan laid out for you and to communicate often with your doctor to readjust if needed. So even if he needs to take you off first to switch you, it is really doable. So hang in there!
for 15 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Breanne and that is what I'm trying.  Today I have court to settle things with my ex husband.  Very scary.  Then the work tomorrow.  Trying, trying, trying.  Didn't sleep so good last night and that really plays with my head.
Yes I would really like to hear about others experiences switching medications??? how its done and what worked well for people. I really want to get my mind back and not have these periods of not being able to think. Thank you, Carmen
for 15 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing this experience with us.
Going back to work can be an intimidating adjustment. Try not to overwhelm yourself on your first day back. This is a big transition so make sure to ease yourself in in terms of workload, hours, etc. Many members report it helpful that when they have negative thoughts they simply let these go through their mind as quickly as they came in. Does this sound like something you would want to try?
In terms of your medication, changing the dosage can also take some time. You may experience different side effects as well when you start taking the new medication. It is strongly encouraged that you speak to your doctor or pharmacist about these concerns before you start the transition.
Members, what has your experience been with taking new medications? What side effects have you experienced when switching meds? Please share your experience with Carmen.
Carmen, please continue to post and let us know how you are doing. Good luck on Tuesday, you can do this!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello all,
I am having quite the time thinking about the fact that I have to "attempt" to go back to work on Tuesday.  I have not been there since Mid December.  My biggest challenge is what happens in my head.  Even when relaxed, like right now, I find that when I am even doing daily activities for short time I get brain fog, inability to think, a tight band around my head, poor memory and recall.  I find that my brain if exposed to anything even remotely stressful just "shuts down."  It's scary.  I feel like I have made alot of progress. I know this because I add up all the baby steps and see where I am now from where I was in December. But still, even right now I am having serious issues concentrating.  Going for a walk which normally would help me in the past, causes this. I just feel very alone and very frustrated.  I have been working so hard!!!!  Its like a fight and I have to go back to work to support my kids but don't think I am ready and I don't know what to do...
As with my meds, I have been on Zoloft for 9 years at 50 mg.  My doctor wants to change this.  He gave me the option to change or try increasing the zoloft.  Remembering all of the side effects of going on meds, I chose to increase.  It's not helping. Now I face changing meds and I don't know what to expect.  What are others experiences with changing meds??? Do they taper you off one and put you on another?? Do you just switch???  Are the side effects better because you were all ready on meds???  I don't even know what meds my doctor would put me on.  Have others had successes switching over without much disruption? What meds have people found to be successful?? Specificially, when switching off Zoloft...
I also take ativan and have found out the hard way that I am addicted to my night time pill.  That scares me.....I am authorized up to 3 mg per day but generally only take 1-2 mg.. The rest of the time I work at it myself.
I am starting a 14 week GAD group this upcoming Thursday.  I am hoping it will help.  The thing is, I know that cognitive behaviour therapy is quite effective.  I use it every day as it is to get through!  However, this mind fuzziness.  What I described above...What causes that?  Why?
I just feel quite low today.  I am trying to be good to myself.  I am trying to be positive and keep busy.  I just don't feel good and fear this will never end. It's so scary and when you feel ok you see the light.  But when a low hit, its almost like you can't remember the light anymore....

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