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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 19 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi magicme! Sorry i havent replied to you soonier, i havent checked my mail for few days. I feel we are very alike and reading your comments, sounds asthough i wrote it myself. I know wot you mean about being teary eyed, i get like that alot and i just have to walk away from people as i dont like to say whats really wrong with me. Last week i had a really good talk to my family and they were all very nice and caring towards but now i just feel like they all feel sorry for me in a way. I know that sounds stupid but i just feel like im in the way sometimes and that they are having to make too much of a effort to make time for me. I have gained alot of weight aswel which really gets me down. I dont ever remember being happy with myself and the way i look and now ive gained 2 and half stones in the last few years. I just feel so uncomfortable with myself and fat, even though im not actually that big. I hate going out with friends sometimes because i feel like the fat mate or something. Last night i split up with my boyfriend of 4 years. Things havnt been good with us for a while and with him at uni now all the time, i just more alone and miserable. I miss him already but i think its time to move on for my own health if anything. If you want to email me anything you can. suzannebayston@hotmail.com
for 19 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
just want to finally say from that last post which i forgot that: I check my thread every day so if you reply, i WILL reply back.
for 19 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
suzie8 i can relate so much to you with life not feeling worth while and it feels like its getting worse with friends, i have some but i cant really trust them. some are loyal and i admirely greatly but others i think are really two sided and no good for me but i continue letting them influence how i feel. it seems hard talking to people but it aint that bad once youve done it a few times. the best people are probably the elderly on the buses or someone you sit next to on public transport, about the weather or something. the best thing someone ever told me was to get the person to talk about themselves, then the focus isnt on you I havent slept properly in months coming onto a year. i used to wake up in the night at the same time or found it hard getting to sleep because i was so anxious. I think the teary eyed part is worse because you dont want people knowing your upset cos it makes it worse. cos of depression as well (comfort eating) ive put on 14lbs and increasing, now im going the gym desperate to be thin again. i often feel sad and lonely too, you are not on your own. I took anti depressants for about 7 months to give myself a break from depression and anxiety, now im off them (just dont do it cold turkey like i did). We have alot in common I have a question: do you ever feel hopeless? Magicme
for 19 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Josie! Thank you for your reply. I have already taken the depression test and this is why i decided to visit my doctor. I have just started with my med but i know that probably wont start to help me for a few weeks. Last night was a bad night for me and feeling quite low again today. I just i dont have anyone to talk to and botteling it all up is probably how ive got myself into such a state. This site is helping me to see and realise that i am not alone! Thank you!
for 19 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi. I just stumbled upon this website and thought I'd post. Maybe someone out there will want to talk. I honestly don't know what my problem is. I'm 21 now and I vaugely remember being happy when I was little. I think I've always been depressed but it only stared to get worse a few years ago and won't go away. I have such a defeated, guilty and negative attitude and I don't know where it came from. I'm constantly anxious and nervous all the time, even for stupid everyday normal things. My family life has always been extremely hectic but I have wonderful parents who love me very much, which is part of the problem because I feel like I'm constantly letting them down. Like today for instance, I was supposed to go to school at 2:30, and waited till the last possible minute to get ready. When I was finished I saw that it was 10 min. after and just broke down crying. Sorry about the long post, but if there is anyone out there who has something of a similar situation, I'd like to hear from you. thanks
for 19 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Suzie, You have come to the right place! Please feel free to roam the site at your own pace. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find our Depression Test. This test is not a diagnostic tool and is not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. This may better help assess the situation. If you have any questions or concerns with our site or please contact Support Department at support@depressioncenter.net. We are open to any questions or concerns you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Josie ___________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team.
for 19 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello! Im am 20 years old and ive been looking at this site for a few days as over the past few months i have been feeling life isn't worth while and the past month has been the worse yet. My boyfriend of 4 years is away at uni in newcastle and i find it hard to cope without him. I dont really have many friends, as i didnt go to college when i left school, they all met new people and i feel ive been pushed aside. I am very shy and find it hard to new and chat to new people, i fear that i will not be liked. Im having trouble sleeping and consistantly teary eyed. Even when i am out with the one friend i have, i feel sad and lonely inside. Over the past few months, i have gained quite alot of weight, which is not helping my self confidence. After breaking down in tears at work, i decided to visit the doctor. Today i have been prescride anti-depressant tablets and am hoping that these will help me before my relationship is completely ruined. I would like to talk to anyone else if you are in a similar situation. Thanks
for 19 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I am a 47 year old female who has been treated for depression in the past. (for about a year 45-46) I would like to compare experiences with persons my age who have had a similar experience. I continue to have bouts of sadness that seems uncontrollable, but not as long lasting as a couple of years ago
for 19 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im wondering if anyones ever felt like although we have moments where we feel happy, that they just are only temporary and that the upset feeling never goes away. you could be laughing and joking with friends but deep down inside you are unhappy and everything feels false? thats how i feel at the moment. I know people are supposed to have "ups and downs" but alot of us have our good moments but the rest of the time are miserable. [i]Text[/i][color=Red]Text[/color] :confuse:
for 19 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Magicme, The answer to your question, is yes. Your family physician can refer you to a CBT. Make a visit with your doctor, tell him/her your concerns and requests. Let us know the outcome, Melanie __________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team

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