Yah, and I'm wondering if this is all part of Major Depression? I have been married since I was 22, and feel I made a good choice, however, there are times when I wonder and I think I have fallen in love with other men about 6 or 7 times during our 24 years of marriage. I'm never sure if it's love, obsession, or depression. I often feel confused and lonely. I have never been unfaithful and don't plan to be because I don't think breaking my own moral rules would make me feel happier, but there is a seemingly constant struggle between my conscious/practical/ethical and subconscious dream state kind of a mind I find myself in, especially when I am left alone and he is working, or even worse, if he is out with a guy playing pool. I went through a terrible time about ten years ago when he went out playing pool almost every night. Even though I cried and screamed and finally threatened to report him to others who could counsel him, when we actually saw a shrink together, I could not spit it out, and the shrink got mad at me and gave up. He finally did slow down on the playing, but now I have terrible fears whenever he is out late at night that he is doing it again. And on occassion he has done it and told me of it later. It seems he became addicted to pool around the same time that I had obsessive thoughts about the same guy. That guy used to call me up and talk for hours, and Starr, he used to cut himself too. Finally I told him not to call anymore, crying as I broke off telephone relationship with him. Not long after he had an affair with my girlfriend, and they eventually got married and had children. We have moved to a different country, but the trauma of that whole thing is still with me. But now there are other people, and I keep thinking that my whole life may end up a series of episodes of unrequited love or obsessive/imaginative/unreal love feelings for other men. It depresses me terribly. I don't know what the answer is. I can relate to your problems in a way, although since you are not married, maybe you should not go through with it if in doubt. I had some doubts when I married also, and now I always wonder if I made a mistake. Because these feelings keep on coming as the years go by. But I don't cut. I do eat to the point that I am