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Am I schizophrenic???i dont know!!!!!!!!!

for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Star, I am new to this group but finding some info that I need to feel quiet. I too somwtimes wonder if I am Schitzophrenic. My mother was bipolar manic and schitzo, so my chances are quite high they say! I sometimes "Think" I hear someone saying my name, or saying a single word. It does not really scare me yet because I'm not sure if I do hear it or not, it's hard to explain. I mean I think I hear it but logically my mind tells me, or convinces me, that I didn't. I have not yet spoken to my doctor for fear of being crazy or instututionalized. let me know what your doctor says about your situation. I mean it really could be just stress. I am on medical leave, not paid, for almost 1 and a half years now. I really neede that. you have to find a way to help "YOU."
for 19 år siden 0 149 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr; my brother was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. So I watched a movie which is about a guy who goes through the problems of hearing voices etc., It's called A Beautiful Mind, and you can rent it at a video store to show others what it is like. This movie makes the viewer feel the way a person with Schizophrenia feels, and how even very intelligent successful people can fall victim to this disease. I really enjoyed seeing it myself, and it helped me and my husband understand what my brother must go through at times. Hope you will watch it and see if you can relate or not.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Finally a bit of a break through! Im seeing a councellor on wednesday im a bit nervous about it but thank god finally! The doctor stopped my meds said that they were causing m to have paranoia attacks and starting me on mirtazapine still feel really onfused and that but still grin and bear it eh?
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr, That's bad news. But please don't let it keep you down. It is not a helpless situation. Have you called a local hospital to see if they have any programs? Remember, this is an experience to let you learn more about yourself - in some strange way it's supposed to become a good thing.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey everyone, Found out that im back to square one with the councilling thing again no one wants to pay for it so im stuck. Feeling worse than ever now i dont know how much longer i can go on feeling like this. I know how i can explain my thinking and way its like i can make decision although not what i would have made before and i do stand by them but i dont know if its me making them or because i am depressed. Due to this i feel like i am always fighting against mydelf and the shouting i keep hearing in my head. Given up trying now i really have guess ill be like this for ever till i explode.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks I told my partner what is happening to me,he cant understand it , as much as he tries , im sick of everyone shouting at me all the time and i have tried to get help and no one is there so whats the point! If i have myself admitted.. i think too rationally and level headed at time so they wouldnt believe me any way and its scary as hell!!! Im at work today and i dont htink i can take much more of it, i dont even know if its depression i have ive been on meds for a couple of months now and i still dont feel any better then when i started. Our NHS is absiolutley appauling, one of my friends waited for 2 days in a+e with a dislocated shoulder ao what chance do i have of getting help??? None what so ever. I FEEL LIKE MY HEAD IS GOING TO EXPLODE AND ITS HURTING ALL THE TIME and i get the feeling if my head did explode no one would be there to clean up the mess, i dont even know if im thinking straight or not anymore, ive never wanted kids not ever and when someone asked me the other day i said i wanted loads...i dont but i cant think how i should. :blush: Anyways ill post on here again soon (if i can remember how to type!) [[size=4]Love Starr xxx[/size]
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr, I don't have any great advice right now - I'm suffering from the same feelings. I felt the same way about my treatment (I learned more from my own reseach than my doctor - the doctor just listened, and rarely gave advice or tips). I'm so upset throughout the day. The few momments of optimism have been getting countered with strong intense depression, pain, and fear. I'm hurting, too - maybe the venting thru this site will help get thru this. I empathize for you.
for 19 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr, It sounds like you are going through a really rough time right now. I know you say your doctor is not helping but please try to find the help you need. Be honest with your doctor about their lack of support. Ask if he/she could refer you to someone who is willing to give you the time, guidance and support you need right now to help you through this as you don't have to go through it alone. A support group in your area may be another option or even the nearest emergency department. Casey __________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ive been posting on here before but not for a while, everything has gone from bad to worse, i cant get time off work, work cant sort out someone for me to speak to although it is their policy they wont pay for it,i cant afford to pay for it myself and i cant tell anyone exactly how im feeling. Its awfull, i felt bad before but recently i have been hearing voices in my head shouting at me all the time, people from work my partner, brother, people in the pub everyone. Im trying my best to ignore it but its always there my doctor is absolutley useless and im not feeling any better even though my doctor has increased my meds by double, i try not to think about it and i dont wnt my partner to know im any worse then i was before, i just cant get the help i need ive cried begged, shouted everything i can think of in order to get some help and i am at the end of my limits now i dont know how much longer i can keep getting worse i feel numb like i dont care about a ting and yet sooo upset, and manage to keep putting a face on so that everyone at work thinks i am making it all up, i just dont know what to do, what i am going through or anything. I am not thinking rationally i cant make decisions and concerntrate things like that and its all getting on top of me again now. *starr* Edited on 12/2/2004 @ 1:59:35 PM by The Support Team

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