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Medlemsgruppe depression


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2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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Anyone help!!???????

for 19 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Barbara! What a positive post! Thanks for letting our members know that there is help out there waiting for them! Have yourself a great day! Melanie __________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr, Can you try going to another Doctor? Some doctors have certain specialists that they refer their clients to. If these doctors are full for a year, then there may be another speciailst in your area that may be see you? Use this site as support. Talk to us and let us know how we can help. Post your questions and concerns and we will do our best as moderators to assist you in any which way we can. Take care and good luck! Melanie _____________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr: I read The Road Less Traveled and though it was ok. Now on my shrinks recommendation, I'm reading Feeling Good. It's more proactive and requires work on my part. I agree reading and doing something to help myself is a great idea. However, I think therapy is even more important. In many cities there are mental health centers who can help the ininsured. There are also hospitals who have mental health clinics who charge what you can afford to pay. (even if you can't afford to pay anything) I checked the phone book in my area and found there are many different types of support groups for different ailments. Many, let you walk in and just sit there and listen. They are also a point of reference to getting the exact type of help you need. Good Luck
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
me again sorry im going mad , just checked my prescription theyre still 20mg just twice a day, my god i dunno whats going on and yet again i am here at work i think if i dont feel much better over the weekend im going to go back to he doctor get some time off work as its not helping me being here at all.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone, well i went to my doctors last night i was in there for over an hour i told him everything.He has incresed my meds from 20mg a day to 60mg twice a day, he said i needed to have some psychotherapy to help me out BUT due to the long waiting lists on the fantastic NHS i would be waiting for over a year!!! Instead he suggested i read a book called the road less travelled it was the next best thing he said. How can they compare a book to therapy??? i have no idea...i thought maye going private but i cant afford it as i would need to go once a week and have rent etc to pay, im going to ask my work if maybe they can help me because they do offer councelling if you have a certain time off work. I feel sooo mad ,i asked the doctor what he would have to do if someone was in a realy bad way and he said they would actually have to have tried to comit suicide to get in earlier. GREAT!!! That really helps things along doesnt it. HAs anyone else read that book ??? i dont mind reading as i enjoy it so it mayb intersting...i dont know...
for 19 år siden 0 55 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Star, Have you enquired any further about taking some time off? You have mentioned it in a previous post. Be sure to continue to write down how you are feeling. Journaling can definitely be helpful in pinpointing what triggers your daily moods and feelings. It is great that you are taking the steps to bring a list of what is bothering you to your doctor. Keep posting and we will try to help in anyway we can. Angela __________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, last night i sat in the bedroom on my own and i started to write and write and write i wrote down every thing that i have been meaning to say for months,just resaponses to hurtfull little comments and things like that i felt a little better after and i gave it to him to read, he couldnt believe how much worse it was, felt better after. Im asking my doctor later if i can see a councellor because i feel like it would maybe help me.I always put on a brave face and tell things from an outsiders view so as i dont show how i really feel. People at work are upsetting me at the moment because theres one girl who had post natal depression and judges everything to her experience which is completley different to me but she is always right i dont even bother to argue anymore i dont have the energy but others seem to think i am jumping on the bandwagon which is why i have stayed at work but i cant do it anymore its a horrible atmousphere and i need time alone in the day with my thoughts so i can freak out if i want with no one around.i like my job and the people here theres inly 8 of us so its nice most of the time but i feel like theyre all staring at me and saying things behind my back...take last week for example i interupted someone really badly (i never do this) and everyone just stopped and looked at me absolutley horrified like i was completley insane, i didnt know what i had done untill someone told me i couldve died there and then and now its all thats talked about with snotty little commentsa, i know that they dont mean it nasty but its the waythat im seeing these comments at the moment.
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr: Like you, I didn't want to let my husband know about the panic attacks. I hid them from him for years. Then one day he came home while I was in the worst part of the attack. He was so upset, he thought I was having a heart attack. My oldest daughter was there & explained what was happening to me. I thought it would be the end of my marriage. My husband use to say that depression was a case of mind over matter. Until he saw a panic attack at it's worst. He had no idea that depression causes such physical trauma. When I hyperventalated until I fell over it scared the **** out of him. He knows now that most of the time I have no control over the attacks. I'm in therapy & on meds now & getting the support of my husband really helps.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thankyou everyone, I will write down the things i need to say, the thing that frustrates me the most is when im having a really bad night or something or im freaking out no one is there, i cant let my fiance see me like that, but it is then when i need to go to the doctors and just pour out my heart and theyre closed so when i do get to see him im all calm and somewhat normal. TYPICAL! I am going to ask him for some time off work, im constantly thinking things over in my head and its not good for me,talking on here has helped an awfull lot i could spend hours on here talking ...it helps so much thankyou xxx
for 19 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr; Are you going to a MD or a psychiatric doctor? In my experience be sure its a psychiatric doctor. Honey, I know what You are going through. Be sure to tell your doctor how You are feeling and most important tell him what You told us. Honey just hang in there. It takes time for the doctor to give you the right medication. I know the days you are having are horrible, Your not alone.

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