Hi, I have been depressed for 3 years now. There are so many things I've learned in the past 3 years, but nonetheless I am still depressed and looking for a solution or cure. One of the things I've learned is how difficult it is to "think positive". Just the act of trying to think positive increases my pain. There are some definite things I've done to deal with negative thoughts however. There are many, many phrases in my head that I tend to repeat over and over: "my life is over", "i just don't care anymore", etc., etc. One trick suggested by my psychologist, which sounds so stupid and childish but it works for me, is to realize one by one what each of those negative phrases or thoughts are. Wear a rubber band on your wrist. Then, once you hear yourself say that thought, snap the rubber band on your wrist, or if you don't have a rubber band, just slap yourself on the wrist. The point is to stop a particular negative thought by making a connection with the real physical pain of having the rubberband snap when the thought enters your mind.
This simple action really helped me RECOGNIZE and be keenly aware of those thoughts as they enter my mind. I still have those thoughts, but I am able to stop their EFFECT of the thoughts making me even more depressed.
This is just one thing that seems to help me. There are lots of little mental tools I have to help me deal with depression. Nonetheless, I walk around most of the day simply feeling this constant, undefined pain in my heart, on my face. Often, every bone in my body and every thought is just numb. The meds have some positive effect, but are nothing close to a cure.
If anyone has any ideas that can help to eliminate this undefined pain in my everyday actions, please respond.