The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
- William James
Your mastery of smiling must really throw peoples's lives "off". I took public speaking, and remember the importance of smiling, but just trying it this morning made me feel different. It was a good experiment, since i'd just shared my morning grumpiness with a secretary who sounded like she was on cloud 9, so I could tell how my mood changed.
I was dismayed that the doctor's office didn't seem to want confirmation of their booking for a test. I pointed out that it was stamped directly onto the form which was mailed to them, and I'd called them for the second time without acknowledgement.
A man on a documentary about depression stated that being depressed is like hobbling along in life, without a foot, being a step behind, and sometimes I forget that. I think I need more connection with the world, to tap into the community and city's energy, although I don't feel so bad today, aside from a backache from lifting some salt last night.
We have an old couch that doesn't promote good posture, so once spring comes along, I should have some ideas about something better to use.