I posted in another forum that I am very physcially sick right now and of course its making me panic go through the roof. I actually went to the Doctor Thursday evening, and you all know how scared I am of that so I was very sick to do that. I used my inhaler and a few minutes later my heartrate sky=rocketed and my heart started to skip beats and I felt so panicky and jittery, now I am petrified to use it again, I am going to call the doctors clinic now before they close while I wait for you're replies, maybe there is another inhaler they can call in to the pharmacy that will NOT cause that, I am afraid not too use it but I dont want to have a heart attack while doing it, my husband had to be rushed to ER last year because he used an inhaler and he went into aterial fillberation and that is not good, I am drinking hot soups and honey, is a inhaler necessary? I am going to call now, if anyone has any experience with wheezing please write me back I am really scared and alone right now.