By taking the WB-DAT test, it identified what I have, so I could put a name to it and learn more about it. Learning about the Panic Cycle identified my triggers. By doing the homework for Session 1, it gave insight into the specific situations that trigger anxiety and the time of day they usually occur, so I can see a pattern. Knowledge is empowering. The more I learn, the more in control I feel over anxiety and panic. I can be proactive in helping myself with the tools given and I'm not at the mercy of anxiety and panic and just let them happen to me. I can use positive self talk and box breathing and challenge negative thoughts with 10 questions (I skipped ahead for that coping skill :) The one sentence that really stood out was, "Don't confuse being anxious with 'not coping'." That was a huge relief and took a lot of self imposed pressure and guilt off of me.