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Why do we relapse?

for 17 år siden 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I totally agree with you claire. A relapse is just another tiny bump in the road, a challenge. But We are still in control of what happens to us. We control the anxiety. NOT the other way around. You are so right!!!! Thanks that turned out to be a good pep talk for me before my exam lol -Diva
for 17 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi i was free from attacks for 12 months and last week one just came on and i felt so down because i go down from 2 tablets to one and now im back on 2. but you have to think i control the attacks and the attacks dont control me.
for 17 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks for your post, it always really helps to know that other people are going through the same things that I am. I had a great day today babysitting for a friend then going for a swim alone and then i sat down to have my tea and bam, a huge panic attack for seemingly no reason. I'm recording when they happen but not making any sense of them. You're right to say that we should hold onto when we've felt positive but it sort of spoils you day when you think youve got it all under control and it trips you up, its so hard not to start being negative and thinking its all going wrong again. Thanks for your support and youre doing great yourself, so what if you couldn't drive home? You drove there and thats really positive!
for 17 år siden 0 69 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Boy do I know what you're talking about. I posted here exactly 2 weeks ago because I was not feeling so good. Anxiety mixed with OCD and depression was causing panic. Coming here and letting my thoughts out often helps and it did the same thing then. I also did a meditation cd one night to go along with my post. The really good feelings were beating out the negative ones for about a week and a half until Saturday night when my wife and I went to a music event locally. My mind started to wander and I seemed to slip a bit. I was too rattled to drive home from the event. When just hours earlier I was fully capable. Night driving bothers me often. I was able to keep the positive dominant until about Tuesday. That was when I experienced some major anxiety at work and it became so uncomfortable that I had to take some Diazepam. I hate taking it and I had gone nearly a whole work week without using it. So, I had to take it the last two days at work to get me through the day. Afternoons seems to be the hardest part of the day. I take amytripuline daily, but the Diazepam is for when I need an extra helper. But anyway, my main point is that I understand where you're coming from because I experience the same thing. The good feelings I wish I could bottle and uncork them whenever I needed them. I go through times where I have so much energy I could workout for hours. Then I go through days like today where all I felt like doing was coming home and resting for a little while. Plus, the Diazepam causes drowsiness. My best advice it to try and remember the good feelings while you're down because they do return eventually. But I also understand it does not really always make it any easier when you are going through down times. Take care and thanks for listening. I hope my story helped you relate to how others can feel the same way.
for 17 år siden 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Rowan, Your post caught my eye as I have struggled with same thought this afternoon. Currently I am taking Wellbutrin, and soon to start Zoloft. I felt fantastic this morning, this afternoon at the mall with my daughter I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin and my anxiety was reaching new levels. I was very discouraged, once you feel good again, the bad is so much worse. I remind myself of what our pastor says, "Change is an process, not an event." It's so frusturating I know- just wanted to let you know I understand :)
for 17 år siden 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rowan, You're not alone! Many have felt just as you do now. Keeping a journal may help. You must focus on your successes and accomplishments. This journal may provide you with concrete evidence of better days. Anxiety can sneak up and when it does, you have to challenge it. You will have some bad days, some good but keep persevering, working through the program and the good will soon outnumber the bad. It's hard, it's a learning process but you are making such wonderful strides! Be proud of what you've accomplished, you're doing great! Danielle _____________________ The PC Support Team
for 17 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have a question which I really hope someone may be able to help me with. Why is it not a steady process to start feeling better? For the last couple of days I have been feeling so much more in control and althoI have been having wobbly moments I have managed to keep a handle on my ugh panic and not lose it completely. I have been concentrating on getting out and about facing my fears and breathing properly and have learnt so much about what anxiety is really all about that i felt so much more on top of what was going on within my body so i wasn't so scared. I've also been feeling that taking my medication (citalopram) was helping as i would feel a real lift in my mood and positivity when I took it. Tonight however, when I sat down to answer some emails which I enjoy doing as its keeping in touch with my friends, I started to freak out. I had something to eat then started panicking that it would give me food poisoning and feeling sick. I just suddenly felt so agitated and out of control and then the negative thoughts came flooding back. I really am trying to get a grip on myself but how can i go from feeling so great to losing it in the space of five minutes? I dont know how i can ever get better if i keep on relapsing day after day. I feel like it undoes all my hard work and now im looking at tomorrow and thinking it will be worse then as I've lost my grip on feeling better. What do I do when this happens? How do I not give up on feeling well again? It's so hard!

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