Hi Everybody!!
Hope you all are having a fantastic Sunday!!
I just thought i'd post as it's been a while, I am now 8 months sober, and let me tell you it feels great! I do think about drugs almost daily, but as they say in AA play the story out until the end, and it never ends well, because with drugs comes drinking and other poor choices, as i look back on my drinking and drugging days, i can say i never really made a good choice it always ended up into the mornings where i regret like 95% of my choices from the night before, opening up my bank account app and getting pissed off or avoiding it all together.
What helps me stay sober is playing the story out till the end, my friends and amazing supportive family, and my biggest fear...starting from day one and walking back into the AA rooms telling everybody i messed up and relapsed. It's scary enough too keep me sober.
When i was just starting out getting sober i was in a huge amount of debt almost $18,000. I'm glad to say i will be paid off sooner then expected. My goal is to be debt free by Feb 2019. It's a long ways away but i also thought 8 months was too far away. I got an amazing promotion at work which i would have never gotten if i was drinking, i always got fired from my jobs because drinking and drugs were my main priority.
I hope everybody has a safe day and trust me things do get better, bad days only last 24 hours!!!