Wow, what an evening...
By about 4:30 last night I felt like I wanted to curl up in a ball somewhere and hide from the world. I was trying to work on homework and I couldn't even think a simple question through which was becoming a bit worrisome.
Here's the interesting thing... I ate some blueberries and I started to perk up. At "wine o'clock" I made myself that nice gingerale with lime and perked up a bit more. Then I remembered that part of what my body is looking for is sugar, not alcohol. It's used to getting a big dose of it between six and eight.
The grocery store near me makes that most amazing freshly prepared fruit juices, all natural, no preservatives or added sugar so I think that will become my new six o'clock drink. I'll go there today. I had to promise myself that I would stay away from the grocery store for the first couple of days because they have a nice big wine isle which means every time I go to get food I have to face that blasted thing. I can't get away from it... It's in the grocery stores and corner stores. I feel like I'm surrounded by wine everywhere I go! I will just tell myself the same thing I do when I walk by the junk food isle. It's much easier to walk by it once in the grocery store than a hundred times at home.
An interesting observation though. My husband has a very well stocked liquor cabinet (which he almost never uses) and I could care a less about any of it. It does not interest or appeal to me and neither does beer. Not even in my most desperate hour of wanting a glass of wine has it crossed my mind to dip into something else. My weakness is wine and wine alone. I can't figure it out. Any insight into this strange phenomenon would be most welcome.
The good news is that I slept, all night, no interruptions, no heartburn, no guilty thinking in the middle of the night. As a matter of fact, I slept 11 hours! I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the clock. I know my body is probably in very bad need of proper, uninterrupted sleep so this is a great thing.
I'm really glad I had this week booked off work. I had booked it deliberately for this reason. To get myself back on track and I'm really happy that I'm finally on my way.
I have learned that this support forum is key to my success. Checking in here daily will be a priority for me no matter how busy or stressed I am. As a matter of fact those will probably be the most important times to check in.
My goodness, I guess I had a lot to say today.
Thank you again for being there!