I often hear certain individuals on this site insist that we are powerless against alcohol. I simply cannot believe that is so. Even though I’ve been here for over two years and have not attained my original goal of complete abstinence and then later revised to moderation, does not mean I’m powerless. I recognize my pattern would suggest that I lack “control” once I have a glass of wine, but in reality, I’m not powerless. Fact is if I really wanted to, I do have the self control to stop at that one glass of wine and have done so many times. However, my unattained goal to moderate is not because I’m powerless, it’s that I do not see any point in having just one glass of wine, as there’s no reward.
So, my pattern is to drink until I get that reward and then I strive to maintain that reward. I get to zone out and feel that bit of numbness for a while. It’s a maladaptive behavior and a bad habit to be sure but it’s a choice I make, convincing myself that it’s far more enjoyable than it actually is. But powerlessness it’s not. Further, how does anyone even go about admitting powerlessness and deferring to a higher power? That power is within us. Exactly how do you surrender to yourself?
I recognize I need to abstain if for no other reason than to preserve my health. I am into clean eating and can’t even look at processed food, or conventionally produced meat without breaking them down into their chemical components. I have recently found out that there is Roundup along with a plethora of other detrimental chemicals in wine, at least the stuff I was drinking and that really bothered me. Drinking alcohol was one thing, but drinking roundup? Begs the question, is it the alcohol that causes the problems or is it all the crap they use to produce the product?