I love this. I spend most of my energy worrying about when I will give in, that I won't be able to control myself. But 2 days, I know I can do. its an attainable goal. And 2 days can turn into the whole week etc..
I feel really good about this. 2 days, no drinking.
I have only one word for you Colin. You have reached your goal already...even though the two days are yet to come to pass.
That word you yourself have used below, which is powerful in alcoholic circles, is "RESOLVE."
But I lied, I have one more very important, in fact absolutely essential, factor for you to meditate on: You cannot do it alone on sheer will power (or maybe you can?; most of us can't) need a Higher Power, God if you believe in Him, otherwise at least acknowledge a power higher than human, which of course is not Superman...but I digress with my attempt at humour when the situation calls for seriousness. YOU NEED GOD, pure and simple.
I am setting a goal. It is a baby step. Mostyl it is about acknowledging a problem.
My spouse is travelling for work the next 2 days. (wed night thurs night). This would typically be a perfect alignemt for a binge drinking evening at the bar.
I resolve to stay away from the place where it always starts.
1) Ride my bike to work (weather permitting). This keep sme from stopping on the way home.
2) I have a landscaping project started at home. I have a goal of finishing it by Sunday. This will require focus ion the evenings. This week.