Interesting that you got mad at drinking! I wonder what impact that had on you? I also wonder if you think it was a one time release or perhaps this might come up now and then as you continue to move forward in your recovery? I am interested to find out with you!
It was a beautiful day in our area today. I went for a nice bike ride with friends this afternoon.
I feel that I'm turning the corner with my urge to drink now. I finally got mad about drinking yesterday. I think I released a lot of frustrations in the process!
Congratulations! I love the reward and new goal you set for yourself. I also like how you are pin pointing healthy ways to release emotions and tension. This is going to be so helpful to you moving forward. Keep up the fantastic work!
Ashley, Health Educator
Well I made it 30 days without a having a drink of Alcohol! I must say it was more of a challenge this pass week than all the other weeks combined. I'm learning how to avoid situations, places and people that cause my urge to drink. My emotions are playing games with me all the time now. And I can't sit still for more than 10 minutes at a time. This new energy and awareness that is flooding my body and mind is growing everyday.
I bought that new bike I promised myself when I it made 30 days. I started using that new found energy to turn those pedals round and round. I'm inside now on my trainer until the weather warms up. I do spinning videos that are on YouTube everyday. I set a goal of riding a century in May of this year.
My goal now is to ride one mile for everyday that I have been sober. The ride I will do is with our local bike club around Mother's day. The total ride is 100 miles long. It's something I need to do for myself. Not because I quit drinking but to reclaim the mind and body that alcohol took from me!
I still go outside everyday for a couple walks with my dog. My time outside now is very important to me. It helps release the emotions and tension that I'm going through. I'm starting to understand what is meant about peeling back the layers of an onion.