Welcome For My Boys,
I hope you have decided to stop drinking for yourself and not just for others. The reason is that if one day you get it in your head that nobody cares anyway, you’ll just go back to it only possibly much worse.
Since I started my own journey I have been on a quest to learn as much as I can about health. As you probably already know, although it is good that you have a healthy diet, which can mean many different things to different people, because you drink, your gut has become notoriously inefficient in utilizing the nutrients from your food. Alcohol also makes your gut far more permeable making it easier to become damaged subsequently allowing food particles, bacteria and fungus to enter the blood stream which ultimately causes autoimmune disorders.
One of the things I’ve been studying lately is the effects of the Candida Fungus. It lives naturally in small numbers in the healthy gut to aid in digestion. However, when we drink we create a very acidic environment that allows this fungus to flourish. The fungus loves sugars and the more you drink, eat processed food, sweets, grains and dairy, the more it multiplies. That is part of the reason why many people will crave sweets when they stop drinking. Also, you are not only detoxing from alcohol, your body is trying to get rid of this fungus as it dies and releases even more toxins. There is all kinds of info on youtube….check it out.
There is a simple test to determine if you may have this. First thing in the morning before you drink, eat or brush, fill a clear glass with water, work up a good spit and spit in the water. Give it a few minutes or up to an hour to sit. If you see strings or legs drifting to the bottom of the glass or the spit is cloudy, or you can see cloudy specks suspended in the water, you are probably infected. There are other tests to confirm…please see:
This condition can eventually lead to serious health issues and it is only one of the many things we invite when we continue to drink. Educating myself and seeing the potential for long term suffering made it easy for me to leave it alone finally.
For My Boys, alcohol is poison, nothing more. Do this for yourself and the rest will follow.