Hi Dena.....I typically would come home and pour myself a glass of wine or mix a drink minutes after I got in the door. I am also on day two of abstinence and I admit its not easy. I've gone as long as one week without alcohol, and for me, the fourth day is always the hardest. If I can get beyond day 4 I start to feel better and I feel less and less needy where alcohol is concerned. Like you, my dependence hasn't been that long, it's been about three years for me. I thought that maybe being an alcoholic for not such a long time would make it easier to stop....boy was I wrong. An addict is an addict whether it's a year or a lifetime....it's hard to stop. You mentioned you mixed coolers with pop and lime juice. I make a similar non alcohol drink and I think you'd like it. I mix about 1/2 cup of diet cranberry juice with a can of Canada Dry low sodium club soda and a twist of lime with lots of ice. It's a great drink and I find it really does help with the urge to drink. I also make virgin mojitos with fresh mint, lime, no calorie sweetener, club soda and again lots of ice. I always drink them with a straw, it gives that feeling of a cocktail. I'd like to keep in touch if you'd like. I think you, hors and I could be great support for each other. Congrats on two days!