Hi Heather,
So happy you’ve decided to join us. I’m really impressed that you are looking for help as it indicates a maturity beyond your years. I too was a mean and unhappy drunk at your age. I would start off fine but as the number of drinks increased my positive and happy mood decreased to the point where I would just get nasty and incredibly stupid. May have been precipitated by unresolved childhood issues or that alcohol simply created a terrible imbalance in my brain, point is, I wasn’t fun to be around in those days once I was drunk. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop me. In retrospect, if I knew then what I know now…
I really like Dave’s idea in that it will help you see yourself as others see you. May I add that it should be done surreptitiously if possible, to get a true perspective. In the interim you can check out youtube for drunks in action. Ask yourself if that’s how you want others to see you.
You’re young Heather, don’t spend your life creating the kind of regret so many of us have.