Jessica..i have been quite fortunate...2morrow is 6 months sobriety for me....i am very grateful...a word i never used b4 joining this site and getting some answers here and from AA which made alot of sense to me....thankfully i still hav a good relationship with our kids and their mothers....even though i dont live with them...3 sons live with their partners and our daughter lives with her mother....of course there is some collateral damage to others related to my drinking...such as parent...siblings...people i thought were freinds.....however...relationships with others are a two way street....i am learning not to hold resentments....not to blame others...and to forgive others.......searching for where i was wrong and caused harm to others has put alot into perspective for of the first things i learned on this site and at AA was that i can only change i am learning to accept life and people on their terms not according to my expectations......i am glad for this site i have checked it more than once a day since april 20th...take care...this stuff works if you work it
Extending your hand and pledging to remain alcohol free is a great way to be accountable. It would be great if you three could do this everyday. All others welcome of course.
This is so great! Now there are three of us here supporting one and other, and offering out our hands to others seeking support, fellowship, and guidance in our battles with alcohol.
I had a swell day. Did a bit of work around my place, relaxed a little, and I also went for a good long walk with my dog.
My goal is to abstain from alcohol today, and I extend a hand out to another member, hoping that together we can fulfill our hopes and desires to recover from our alcohol abuse.
Be well,
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,