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Medlemsgruppe depression

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is this a secret 4 u?

for 19 år siden 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I find it much much easier when I tell people around me about what I'm going through. Not everyone needs to know, but I have told close friends and some coworkers. I told my boss too a couple of weeks ago and have felt SO much better at work now, because I feel like he'll understand if I'm having a bad day or why I have appointments so often, and I don't worry that he'll think I'm a bad worker or that I'll get fired, etc. I don't feel comfortable with telling my family though -- they don't seem to understand these types of things. I would encourage you to tell at least someone who's close to you that can support you in person -- that's really helpful -- even if you don't specifically talking about it, you'll know that they know what you're going through and that in itself is comforting! But only tell them when you're ready! KD
for 19 år siden 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Alison, I hid my panic disorder for a long time, its really only been in the last couple of years that I've been more open about it because I got so sick of hiding it. One major thing I found is that you really find out who your true friends are. I now have the attitude that this is what I have and if someone is too narrow minded to try to understand or isn't accepting then that isn't a person I want to be around! If anything I feel sorry for those people who don't get what this is about or who make fun of it, it really says more about them than it does about me. And if I can somehow educate someone who doesn't know about this and they become more accepting and thoughtful because of me sharing my experience then that is a real bonus, I feel like I've accomplished something. Don't be ashamed of who you are or what you have!
for 19 år siden 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Alison. Yes, this is a secret between myself and my husband so far. But, I have some close friends I will be talking to soon about it. I've decided not to isolate myself because I think that will make things much worse in the long run, so I am going to trust them and hope they will be part of my support system in this struggle. I also have a really good relationship with some of my colleagues and I think I will be sharing it with them, in a different way... I think with my close friends I will end up in tears, but with my colleagues I think I will approach it with humour, let them know I am struggling with it, then have some good laughs with them about hypochondria in general. I think dealing with it in humour is a good approach for folks that are friends but not super close friends. I am very hesitant to share this with my doctor, it's also why I have 3 clinics I rotate thru in the hopes that none of the doctors realizes how often I go to the doctor, so they won't decide I'm just "crying wolf" and stop taking me seriously. That's my biggest concern in terms of telling a doctor that I have this problem, because I worry that if one day I really DO HAVE the disease or symptoms that I think I have, they won't believe me and won't run the tests etc and then I won't get the proper medical treatment. But, I guess maybe I'm underestimating the compassion of doctors, I've just had some really bad ones over the years, and my trust level with doctors is pretty low. Overall though, I think it feels better to not keep it as a deep dark secret, especially with friends or family. Caitlin
for 19 år siden 0 387 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hid it for years and years. I decided that people were going to have to either accept me for who I am or not. I got tired of feeling alone because of it so I started talking about it to anyone when something along those lines came up in a conversation. You would be amazed how many people are not only willing to accept you for who you are, but who understand what you are going through and go through it themselves but also were hiding it out of being embarassed. I also found that the more open I am about it, the less anxious I am about being around people. You cannot control what other people do or think. All you can do is be completely honest and let them have their own reactions. But never be ashamed of you who you are!
for 19 år siden 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Alison, I had kept it from my wife as well as everyone else. I told no one. Never discussed it with a Dr. But that is changing. I have now told my wife, 3 of my sisters of 4 and 1 of my brothers of 2 along with my father. I also went to a therapist and told him. I also have now told a freind of the family. My therapist sent a letter to my Dr. for me so i did'nt have to tell her myself. I find it easier now talking to my siblings about things in my life. I am new to this behavior but so far it feels good. After having attacks for darn near 30 years it time. Jimb
for 19 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello! As a person with major health anxiety and very embarrased about it, I keep it a secret from everyone excpet my husband. No one know I have this problem, I lie to my mom when she babysits my kid when i go to the doctor. Know one knows I can spend 3 solid hours researching a disease I think i have. No one knows I see a psychologists, and the list goes on... Just wondering how weird I am, and who else out there tries to hide this???? :blush:

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