Yes, yes, yes, I have anxiety issues and they have increasingly gotten worse the last few years due to fluctuating hormones and getting off the antidepressant meds I had been on the last 10 years. I used that as somewhat of an excuse also to keep smoking. I am marking my one month anniversary tonight after 36 years as a pack a day smoker. You can do it!
Here's what helped me:
Deep breathing/visualization/meditation
Being good to myself (i.e. not pushing myself over my limit or putting myself into anxious situations during the first few weeks, still being careful about that)
Herbal spray called Smoke Free by Herbs Etc. (I used the alcohol based one which tastes terrible but really worked for me. I didn't elect to use NRT's by my own choice, although some people swear by them)
I talked to trusted friends who'd quit. They gave great advice and have been very supportive.
Trying to get into exercising and eating good quality food (another thing I never really watched before)
And I've realized that-once past the first few days-a week when your body is rid of the nicotine, it's actually easier to get through the cravings that to plan every hour or two of my day around my addiction and how to feed it.
Good luck!
Believe me, if I can do it, anybody can!