Thank you! I have to admit that I am so proud. I've been through a lot, but I'm happy. I feel like I've had a level of support that I've never had before. People in this group are awesome. I never thought I could quit smoking. I was at a point where I was crying about it, because I thought I was stuck with habit and was just slowly dying. And while smoking I couldn't get the weight off, because I couldn't breathe. You guys handed me parachute and taught me how to jump. When you've been doing something stupid for most of your life, it takes faith to jump out of that fuselage. You know you may break a bone or two, but if you land right, you'll be able to stand on your own two feet rather quickly. A friend of mine told me that he thought that I was very smart, because he does feel that he can do many of the things that I do. I told him that I've known him for 27 years and, if he were not bright, I would have gotten bored with him by now, that I don't think that I'm brighter than most people; I think I'm braver. I'll take risks most people won't take and find the answers to questions. I'll jump. I'll try to measure the distance first, but I'll jump, because I don't see the status quo as a solution to problems, and I'm not afraid of death because I love God. The actual dying may give me problems, but most people either die quickly or slip into a coma in the hours before death. To quit smoking you have to leap, to believe that having both feet on the ground is better. Quitting smoking doesn't require much intelligence, because all you have to do is not smoke. That requires faith. I'll have three years May 1st. Yippy! I intend to celebrate by passing the NSCA-CPT exam.