hi all, in reponse to your question, i have been to the priory, but not in the accepted sence, i do 'chairs' there, for people in recovery from alcohol (im an alcoholic) i did apply to go myself but the programme is (in my opinion) flawed. they seem to concentrate on getting you in and out as soon as possible, dont get me wrong though, they have the best in the business, but i felt it was all about the money not the client! And considering the calibre of people in there i cant really say more(bound to secrecy as to who is in there for obvious reasons) as far not being able yo get to a centre because your anxiety/aggorophobia stopping you, i had the same problem.can your family not help? in the end i found St Johns ambulance would take me there, and for a VERY reasonable fee(about 10pence a mile) so try that option, also try other voluntary organisations whoi do first aid cover at charity events, they also help with patient transport schemes. If all else fails tho, mayBEiting the bullit and just going on your own is the answer, see it as the first step(you WILL be pround of yourself!) aS FAR AAS I KNOW, no one HAS EVER DIED FROM AGGOROPHOBIA, io know it feels like s##t but you can do it! let me know how you get on! good luck!