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More Anxious w/ Partner?

for 19 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sky, I just read your reply and it spoke volumes to me.I have just backed off from what could have been a very beautiful relationship for many of the reasons you listed..I didnt want to take all this into a new relationship..and when i get excited or happy I stop myself for ..fear.I could explained more ,hoped he'd be ok'say yes sure thats ok' but I'm vulnerable enough and having put my dear husband through so much with this and had it help to ruin our marraige ..I just dont feel ready or should I say I'm scared through to commit to anyone other then on a take it or leave it basis..and it hurts. thanks Sky..now I don't feel such a mess . love and thoughts to all jan
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rachele, Im in a sort of similar situation also. For the last 4 years, being around my b/f was my ultimate escape from panic and anxiety. Whenever I was with him, I felt safe and had a pretty normal life. And i even cured myself a lot from this 'disease' for 2 whole years!! A month ago, I had a huge Panic attack and it started all over from the begining. Ive hit depression and couldnt leave my house or his place. Ive kept him trapped inside for over 4 weekends now. And since I also had some panic at his place, now sometimes the place itself triggers attacks and anxiety for me (the only place I felt sooooo safe). Ive been doing much better for ther last few days but now when I think of seeing him on the weekend I get anxious instead of feeling safe like I used to. I think one of the main reasons why I worry is because Im scared of losing him or tiring him and Im scared of dissapointing him and myself....because we are young and we need to go out places... he has been amazing through this all because I cant think of anyone else at such a young age sticking around for 5 years and helping me out; but I cant help but feel guilty for bringing him in w/ all this **** im dealing w/ :( On the issue of sex, when i think of it, it feels a little scary because along w/ it comes the fast heart beat, sweating, out of breath etc which we all hate b/c thats some of the symptoms we feel while we're anxious/paniky. However, when I force myself to get into it, I find its one of the few activities in which I completely enjoy and which gets rid of my panic disorder because Im concentrating on me and him and what were doing:) And sex after all is an important part of the relationship... Take care sweetie, and let us know how you do ciao, xoxo Bianca
for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I find my anxiety is much worse and I am awful when my husband is home lately. Although he has been very supportive I find myself blaming him for my state of mind.
for 19 år siden 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think my anxiety stems from worrying too much too long how other people think of me. When my boyfriend is away, I don't have to worry about satisfying him or keeping the house clean or any of these things. When he is homw, I stress about needing to do this and that or dreading when he attempts to be intimate with me. I don't know why I dread it because once I am there I enjoy it and love him as much as I ever have. I think it is a matter of changing your thought processes. Convince yourself you are looking forward to it. Fake it till you make it. I have been trying this. When I am stressing about something trivial, I flip it around.
for 19 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rachel I too suffer from insane panic attacks. What I think the problem might be is that maybe you think you should be acting a certain way when he's around so much to the point that once he does come home, you don't know how to act. I can tell that as of late my boyfriend has been getting frustrated with my attacks. I know he cares and he has been absolutely great throughout all this, but i just worry that I'm making my suffering his burden too.
for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rachele! I am so glad that I just read your post because this is exactly what I am going through right now. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and have lived with him for 2 years. Everything used to be amazing- I would miss him so much when he was out of town on business or even just at the office for the day, and I used to beg him to stay up later and hang out with me... and then my panic attacks starting getting worse, and now I find reasons to not be around him when he is home. I don't want to go out anywhere, and I definetly don't want to have sex. I feel bad about that, and it isn't that I'm not attracted to him (Which is what he concludes when I won't have sex with him). He has been very supportive about everything but I just wish he understood it more because he does take some things personally and they aren't meant to be. We are in this together!!!
for 20 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rachele, I'm not sure if you've thought of this, but might your anxiety be triggered when your partner comes home because it takes you out of your routine? It sounds like he's been away at the job for a bit now, so you've probably developed ways of coping while he is gone. This could be looked at as your 'routine', and your partner, while he is home, is completely messing it up for you, unintentionally of course. I call my anxiety my uninvited house guest who doesn't leave. Maybe you're feeling a bit crowded in your space with two 'house guests'? Maybe you might feel a little sensitive / embarrased about the changes in your body and mind since you've had anxiety? I know I am, and it does affect the intimacy I have with my partner. Hope I haven't offended and have offered some words of comfort.
for 20 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rachele, Any kind of intimacy both physical and emotional has been a problem with me too through the panic. I have gone through what you're dealing with and I managed to recover through it. I still get anxious sometimes but it does pass and it will for you too. My partner and I took baby steps with intimacy. Silly as it sounds, it really did help and I think it's what got me through the fear of affection. Do find that you're scared of any kind of excitement? Be it scared or a positive excitement such as love. That was the case for me, any kind of happiness I was scared of, because I feared it would set off a panic attack. So this extended into any form of affection. Any kind of intense emotion is cause for fearing with panic. I'd suggest you take baby steps with your partner too. It sounds a bit weird saying it, but treat the intimacy fear as exposure work. Start with a hug or whatever you're comfortable with and work from there slowly introducing more. Also don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. I know I was, I had to force myself to speak my feelings, but it really helped me recover. Even talking about certain things brings on an attack. But at the same time talking about fears makes them smaller and talking about feelings is all part of intimacy. Try treating it like exposure work, sounds weird I know. It's what I did and it worked a treat. If it's any consolation the first intimacy exposure work we ever did together turned into us both laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Still we kept at it and I did panic a lot but at the same time was able to laugh, probably because I was nervous. You're not alone with this Rachele and it's completely possible to overcome. Hope this has been a comfort, take care.
for 20 år siden 0 138 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Does anyone feel that their anxiety increases when their partner is home from work? I have a great relationship with a wonderful man who has been supportive during this anxious episode.... the first he has ever seen. In July he was placed on a job site out of town and is only home every other weekend. However, when that weekend comes around I feel that my anxiety increases and I am happy when he leaves. Before my anxiety I was MISERABLE with him away. The thing is that when he is at home I'm upset that I can't focus on him, affection and/or sex is impossible, I don't want to go out, I sleep with the tv and relaxation tape going, I look at this website CONSTANTLY, etc. All I want to do is focus on keeping myself relaxed and that takes everything I have. PLEASE someone tell me that you have experienced this!!! Rachele

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