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Anyone Obssessed with Heart Rate?

for 19 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hello, glad to hear I'm not alone with this. It all started for me about a week ago. laying in bed trying to sleep, and i felt my heart skip a beat.ever since then i have been having the same feeling almost every evening. Went to the ER last night, had an ekg and the doc said that looked good.He listened to my heart and said that it sounded strong, so he put me on a 24 hour monitor that i'am wearing now. It is a very scary thing to go thru, but good to know that i have some where to go talk about it.
for 19 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Gang, It's nice to read these posts. I think the majority of us have thought at some point that our situation is unique, but it usually is really common. I had never noticed any strange feelings or skipped beats from my heart until the day after I had my first EKG a few months ago which showed these irregular beats.. then I freaked. Now my anxiety is dictated by the constant awareness of any irregularity from the moment I wake up. I can induce a panic attack just by feeling my pulse for more then a couple of beats. The simple joy of just lying around and relaxing is not relaxing anymore. Falling asleep is a chore, no matter how tired I am. I am slowly getting better with time....
for 19 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
PamC, This is a common question here within our support group. On a daily basis many members cope with having an increased heart rate. Many of these members have gone to their doctor to seek medical assistance. Seeking help is a good sign Pam! Please do not be afraid to ask questions about your symptoms with your doctor. It is best to be safe then to just push these unwanted symptoms aside. Many members who have these tests completed find that they are perfectly healthy. [u]So what is happening we ask? What can we do to find out what is happening?[/u] When your heart rate increases have a journal in hands reach. Write down what you are doing at that particular time. For example, are you watching T.V., having an anxious thought or getting ready to go to work? These are just examples of what you can look out for. Try to complete a couple of weeks of entries if possible. Then take this journal to your doctor for your next visit. This will give your doctor a feel for what you maybe facing and a new plan maybe established. You doctor knows you best and follow up appointments is key to understanding your symptoms. We do have a free Panic Diary online Pam. The Panic Diary is designed to track the frequency of your panic attacks and other symptoms. Research has shown that tracking symptoms is an important part of an effective treatment plan for panic disorder and agoraphobia. If you have agoraphobia without panic attacks, use the Panic Diary to keep track of your daily ratings of anxiety and depression. Once you have tracked your symptoms, we give you the option of printing your results, or sending them to your doctor via email. If you are in a treatment program, you're not likely to notice any big changes right away. Keeping a Panic Diary is still very important. Stick with it. It will probably take 3-8 weeks before you notice any changes. We hope we have directed you in the right path this morning Pam. Take care and we will be looking forward to hearing from you again soon All the best, Melanie ____________________________________ The Panic Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Matt, I use to be obessed with my breathing, that i actually thought that i couldnt breath, WHAT OUR MINDS CAN DO TO US... But to be honest we breath just fine were getting enough oxygen that we need. I read in a book that actually in the center of our brain we have a part that does our breathing, so there no way that we couldnt get enough oxygen from our thoughts, even though we feel like were not ( get what i am saying lol) I mean i know its hard not to think about certain things, but when you start to obesse about your breathing or blinking, try adverting your thoughts to something funny, or play a game on the computer something to keep your mind busy. I notice when i just sit that is the worse for me, cause thats when all my thoughts go directly to myself. But its a learning process to me that i am retraining my brain like to think positive and not of irrational thoughts, someone on her told me when i get these thoughts to actually say out loud STOP, and you know it does distract you believe it or not... Its like i think gosh why cant i be obessed with POSITIVE THOUGHTS and not negative thoughts, but i can i can be that way, its just so hard cause for so long i have been a negative thinker and what if... thinker. Take Care. Tiff.
for 19 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Similar, but I'm obsessed with breathing and blinking. I often catch it offguard and it makes me feel uneasy. I start thinking about monitoring every breath and every blink, and i begin to fear that it is going to dominate my life.
for 19 år siden 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeesssss i have the same thing happen to me when i smoke my heart speeds up, especially in the morning, but i think of as this a smoke is a stimulate it is normal to for our heart rate to pick up espically with a stimualte so i dont get all freaked out now in the mornings or when i am smoking and my heart rate picks up cause i know its from the cig. and not a panic attack. I also do what you do, i am always having my hand on my neck feeling my pulse, but hey if it makes me feel better to know my heart is racing then perfect lol... I think also with the panic were so always thinking of physical sensations and we know our bodies well that even the slighest bump in heart rate we think right away panic, but its not true. I have the problem of right now with getting excited, when i get excited it kinda reminds me of a panic attack and i have to remind myself your just excited thats all, but its the adernal of the excitment that scares me and to think o no here comes another panic attack. For instnace, i have problems with leaving the house getting into a car, so lately i have been getting into the car and driving around the neighboorhood, well i get so excited cause im not afraid but then the excitement turns into panic, its a vicious cycle but i know that i am causing this by my thoughts so i feel a little bit more at ease with myself. Okay gotta go got a child who is climbing all over me right now lol.
for 19 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
WOW!! it was so nice to read this post- i check my pulse constantly!! i find myself trying to be inconspicious(sp), so people don't think i'm nuts LOL!! just last night it was at 106- i thought i was going to freak out, after about 10 min it went back down to about 84- that is where mine is normally. I don't know if anyone else smokes, but that is when i seem to notice mine going up lately- I know i should just quit then!! tried, my anxiety/panic went thru the roof. Has anyone ever had their blood pressure checked during the time they felt their pulse going up? i have and my blood pressure was normal, it's always 112/75- Go figure!! Also when i had to wear a halter monitor, i wrote down in the little diary they give me that my pulse was high, but when they checked back through the records they said it wasn't high at all!! i'm thinking well did i just imagine that or what??LOL- Anyways, nice to know i'm not the only one doing this!!
for 19 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've just been looking back here at some of the older posts and I'm so glad I came accross this one. I have been having really bad palpitations lately. It's like suddenly my heart does this really forceful beat. I can hear it in my stethoscope so I'm not imagining it. I have had several EKG's, a stress test, an echo, a 24 hour holter, and all came back normal. I have had a full respiratory workup which was normal. I have had chest pains and palpitations for over a year now and I honestly think that I would have very little anxiety now if I just didn't get the pains and palpitations in my heart. It's like my heart is causing the anxiety instead of the other way around.I am scheduled for another echo on Feb 1 - I just hope I can make it till then. My husbands friend died recently of a heart attack at the age of 28. I am 27 with no risk factors (except inactivity because I'm scared of getting my heart rate up!) but I am still very , very scared. My palpitations tend to occur when I'm trying to sleep which I have noticed seems to be pretty common. I know how you all feel- I hate this terrible disease!!! Sarah ;)
for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ohh it feels so good to know that I am not alone!! I check my pulse alot at time and even my BP...if I can. I have a stethescope and I actually had to hide it so I wouldn't obsess too much! Oy!!!
for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah I think this is pretty classic. I check my pulse and breathing constantly.

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