I thought i would post about music here, as it is one of the things which helped me to combat my panic and get through some of the hardest times i have had to face.
Any music lover would know that music can reflect and change your mood. It can stir your feelings and emotions, make you laugh, cry and angry. Funny thing is it has helped me to deal with my emotions and panic.
One thing i found is that when i had been battling panic for a while i felt a build up of emotions, and they usually climaxed with one big panic attack which left me feeling defeated.
I managed to stop this by playing muisc which would make me cry. I released all of my built up frustration, anger, sadness to music which stirred me. It can be anything... a love song, a piece of piano music which you just cant help but feel. As long as you can release your emotions, its a good thing! I found i didnt panic after crying. As though i had released it through something else, which wasnt scary, it wasnt unfamiliar... it was just tears. And it helped me.
Im not sure whether this would help others, but i think it's worth a shot when you're out of options. I found i always bottled things up, and there was no way to release my emotions apart from panicking.
The bottom line is, dont be afraid to express how you feel there and then, dont bottle things up! Dont be afraid to cry. It's a natural harmless release, and it can help you. I dont know if any of this made any sense, and if it doesnt then i'm really sorry. But if you relate to anything here, let me know.
Sarah xxxx