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Anyone Obssessed with Heart Rate?

for 19 år siden 0 387 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sitting here at work with my finger on my pulse and laughing! I was just thinking why am I so obsessed about my stupid pulse?! So I thought I would look to see if anyone else here has this problem and here you all are! God bless every one of you for being so open and honest! I've gone through the EKG, Echo test, 24 hour heart monitor, etc.... and was told everything was fine. Of course that was ten years ago and maybe that's why I keep doubting it now. I keep thinking maybe I should go back and have these things done again just to make sure. But then I think, no, everything is ok, you're just being irrational. My heart rate is usually about 85-90. I went to the ER a couple weeks ago because my left arm kept going numb. I noticed it was only going numb when I sat down or was at work typing but it got better when I was up doing things like cleaning house. The rational part of my brain said, if this was your heart, it would get worse when you are active. But good ol' Ms. Irrational flew into a panic because that just couldn't be right! While I was at the hospital, my blood pressure was high and my heart rate was 117! I nervously laughed (trying not to look like I was having an axiety attack so they would take me seriously) and asked the nurse if that was ok. She said, "Oh, yeah! That happens to a lot of people that come to the hospital." She advised me that there was nothing to worry about because although my heart rate and blood pressure were high, my heart rythym was ok. There were some skips but she assured me that was because of the anxiousness of being there. Come to find out, the numb arm was from a muscle in my back that was freaking out that effects many other muscles as well. I am so glad that I'm not the only one constantly checking my pulse! I guess I better get back to work - I can be such a slacker sometimes! ;)
for 19 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all Its great to hear that other's have obsessions regarding their body's. After a 18 month symptom free period, I was recently struck down with a new obsession. This involves monitoring my breathing and being overly conscious of every breath I take. I know it is just my mind playing tricks but on occassions it honestly feels like I have to make myself breath, just in case my body forgets to. I recently increased my Zoloft dosage from 100mg to 150mg but it does seem to be giving me any therapudic relief from this current obsession. Has anyone had this same obsession and is there any way of beating it becasue it truely is causing me much distress in my life. Thanks Buzz :confuse:
for 19 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So I'm not the only one with this problem! My husband has came up with a nickname for me..."lady pulse checker", :) because I do it constantly. I have been having trouble with my heart and what I think is panic for the past couple of years. I'll go for awhile and be okay, then I'll go through a couple of months where I just am constantly tensed and cannot seem to relax much anymore. This is crazy to me because I used to be such a laid back person and never worried to much about anything, but now I worry constantly and I'm so sick of it. Cardiologist told me that I have Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia, and I take a beta-blocker everyday which helps a little. I have a hard time controlling my thoughts which I think sometime sends me into a panic and at times I just feel my heart beat, even if its not fast or anything but it just drives me up the wall. This Tachycardia is not something that you can die from but it still is very scary and uncomfortable. Anyone else have this diagnosis? I had to wear an event monitor for a week and they found this...doesn't really have a "pattern", but I do notice it more when pms'ing and after I eat sometimes. Last night it woke me up out of a deep sleep-that was really scary!!!! Just gotta keep praying I know that the Lord is there and I will get through this eventually.[size=4]Text[/size]
for 19 år siden 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
yes, i have palps during states of anxiety. i dont have them at any given moment (i dont think). when i check my pulse and it pauses, i totally freak out and gasp for air and then it beats again and i have to calm myself down. i also feel like my anxiety and all gets worse before i start my period and i definitely think there is something to that! i have also noticed that my anxiety is worse after eating (esp. after i eat mexican food - which is often b/c i live in tx and love it!!!). i think diet is a major factor and that maybe when our digestive system is working harder, maybe we get anxious. i am on day 6 of zoloft. i feel better today than i have for the first 5 days. i am still a little jittery, but i hope this is to be expected. i am hopeful and optimistic i am going to beat this, and i hope we all do! thanks, kathy!
for 19 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
cookie, just wondering if you suffer from palps and that is why you are afraid of your heart stopping, or just that you check you pulse all the time. I never checked my pulse untill I started having the palps, now i seem to want to check it all the time. My resting rate is anywhere from 78 to84, and as soon as I get up and do anything it goes up. I would always freak out, but of course when you get up and move around your pulse is going to go up, so i don't worry about it to much anymore,only when i get the papls(the puse in the pulse and then a quick beat)I had a 24 hour monitor, and the doctor told me that it wasn't my heart causing them, but something eles,they did go away for a couple of weeks and came back again,just before my period started so i'm hoping they go away when my period is over. It is a very scary thing even though the doc says your ok and sees no reason that i can't exercise, I still I'am afraid.Most of the time I get them in the evening and start to get axnious, I still have to work on that.I have been trying to get some info on how long others get the palps and how long they last for them. I have had mine now for 8 days and they can be off and on for an 5 mins to an hour, some days are better than others. I have only felt it once so far today but it is only 7 in the evening so we will see later.I think if I didn't feel them (in my throat) I would not be bothered by them.But anyway,I hope you feel better and if you need to talk, I get on here every day. I will be more than happy to talk to you.It does help to talk to someone with the same sytems. kathy
for 19 år siden 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm 28, too! I check my pulse constantly!!! I always check b/c I am afraid my heart is just going to stop suddenly and I am looking for warning signs or something. It's like I think it is gonna beat so hard and so fast that it will just poop out. At the moment, I am feeling pretty well so I can laugh at myself, but I do understand the seriousness and how frightening this is!
for 19 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello to everyone, I just wanted to say that i got my results back from the holter monitor, and it came back fine. I was told that my palpitaions are not associated with my heart, but something eles causing them.We thought at the time that maybe it was underlying stress and smoking, but i have cut back on the smoking (only 6-8 a day)and there has been no stress. The palps went away about a week after they started,and then about 3 weeks later, here they are agian.I was doing some research, and found that maybe mine are a symptem of PMS.Last month and this month they started about 3-4 days before my cycle.I will have to wait until this cycle is over, but if the palps stop when my cycle does, then i hope I will have my answer.My doc says not to worry but it is eaiser said than done. My anxiety has not been as bad this time around with them, but it is still there,and I think that makes them worse. If anyone knows if this could be related to PMS please let me know It would help ease my mind a little more.Thanks to all, take care and god bless. Kathy
for 19 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey everyone, Vlake, I'm responding to what you just posted, that's so true, I have found from my own experience that exercise DOES in fact get rid of the palpitations. So for anyone out there, once you start exercising, they dissappear! I was having the worst palpitations for about 2 weeks straight, and then started working out when one day shortly after that I noticed that they were gone! Have a great day!:)
for 19 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is taken from Hope and Help for your nerves. I have shortened it a bit, the suffer discribes them as missed beats but actually no beats are missed,they are merely spaced unevenly. The patient feels as if his heart turns over and a ticking sensation catches him in his throat. This is in no way dangerous and your heart will not stop because of them. They are annoying but exercise abolishes them, So don't let "missed" beats frighten you into lying on the couch. They are not important. Just another symptom. I hope this helps. It helped me. I was freaked too
for 19 år siden 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is so wonderful to know that there are others that have the same feelings. I feel so relieved. I had a ekg and I am fine. sarah, your friend dying at 28 scares the hell out of me because I am 28. I just wanted to say that it makes me happy that i know I am not the only one doing these things.

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