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Please reply I am sooo worried

for 20 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tammy,I started having panic attacks this year after my surgery,I had a real bad one last week,I went to walmart,so many people,pushing and shoving ,I made up my mind that I was going to get in line and not put my items down and run,I was shaking so bad,that I took a ativan right there in line spilling most of the pills on the floor,after I paid I ran to my truck,and sat there for 5 minutes,just trying to settle down,I am on zolfot,but so far its not been working,but its been only 2 weeks,so I still need the ativan..my heart does the extra beat and then I have the chest pains,my heart Doctor says Im fine...so I am just trying to adjust to this problem,I don't understand what they mean by level 1 2 3 maybe someone will let me know..take care..
for 20 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tammy,I started having panic attacks this year after my surgery,I had a real bad one last week,I went to walmart,so many people,pushing and shoving ,I made up my mind that I was going to get in line and not put my items down and run,I was shaking so bad,that I took a ativan right there in line spilling most of the pills on the floor,after I paid I ran to my truck,and sat there for 5 minutes,just trying to settle down,I am on zolfot,but so far its not been working,but its been only 2 weeks,so I still need the ativan..my heart does the extra beat and then I have the chest pains,my heart Doctor says Im fine...so I am just trying to adjust to this problem,I don't understand what they mean by level 1 2 3 maybe someone will let me know..take care..
for 20 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tammy, That's great there is nothing wrong with your heart! I'm still very concerned because I have pains in my chest all the time and palpitations and other weird stuff. I am 26 and to be quite honest did not have this heart issue until I started studying it in school (nursing). So I'm hoping it is just the power of suggestion that has done this to me but I am not really convinced of this. Celexa seems to be kicking in and I am less anxious about things in general, though still very anxious. I started having panic attacks a year and a half ago when I was overseas travelling. I had some panic attacks as a teen but nothing like I experience now.
for 20 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sarah, I think they have determined nothing is wrong with my heart. I have been doing really good last 2 or 3 weeks but feeking kinda anxious tonight I think maybe zoloft is helping but I am also taking 5 mg xanax daily. I also have a heart murmur that they don't think is any concern either. How old are you and long have you suffered from this. I am 41 and just had first attack march this year, I think sometimes it seems worse aroumd my period time so I was thinking it might be hormonal also. Keep me posted! And try to relax and I will too!
for 20 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Debbie. I am trying not to worry and I think the Celexa is kicking in because I don't feel so OVERWHELMINGLY anxious even when I do feel these symptoms. The next 5 weeks are going to be rough ones because I have to wait for my tests. Anyways, the cardiologist thinks my symptoms are likely just anxiety. But try telling me that at 3am when I can't sleep and my left arm feels like it's going to blow up and my heartpounds so hard for no good reason!! God, does this ever suck!
for 20 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sara That is something that drives me crazy as well - if I am experiencing any kind of anxiety especially at night, it feels as though my heart is beating so hard it is vibrating my body - the pains have pretty much gone away thank god - I also find that I cannot lay on my left side because then I can really feel my ehart pounding. I think we are way too tuned into our body functions and hear what other people dont pay the slightest attention to. I am pretty sure that a heart murmur is no big thing - dont stress it too much - (I know - way easier said than done) and the time will pass until your tests are scheduled and the results are in - if it woldnt freak you out too much, look online for information about murmurs - I find that if I am in doubt about something it eases my mind to find all the information I can about the potential condition - at least I feel like I am in some sort of control. If you ever want to chat, let me know your email address and I will be happy to share and listen anytime - we will get through this - if it dont kill you it will make you stronger!!! Hang in there! Debbie
for 20 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debbie, Thanks for responding. I am really worried now because I saw the cardiologist yesterday and he said I have a heart murmer-he said it's probably benign but I will get a holter test, echo, and stress test done to make sure. I have to wait 5 weeks till these tests are all completed and I'm going out of my m,ind with worry! It's the worst at night-squeezing pain in my left arm, pain and pounding in my chest and then sometimes my I can't feel my heart beating and that really freaks me out because I think maybe it's stopped beating!!! I am so scared to fall asleep because I feel like I will die. I can't even get to sleep now until I am so exhausted from worrying that I just pass out-I only get enough sleep, about 4 or 5 hours, to give me the energy needed to worry about this again!! I really would pay someone $2000.00 right now if I could get these tests done this week so I could have some peace of mind. I feel like I want to go to the emergency every night. If anyone has advice or similar experience, please respond. Debbie, I'm so glad you are here to tell about your experience. I hope I will be so lucky! Sarah
for 20 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sara I had a really really bad time in September with unrelenting attacks - I have had them since 1982 but they seem to come in spurts like every 10 years or so to remind me of the awfulness they can be in your life - and the worst part of this last episode was the burning and discomfort in my chest and arms and upper back - I went to a cardiologist myself and had the ekg, echo and nuclear stress test - all normal - my pressure had been very high when I went to see these doctors (of couse I was having what seemed to be continual panic attacks at that time so I do beleive that will raise your pressrue) so I am on blood pressure medication - I dont know why these attacsk manifested themselves so much in my chest - that was the scariest thing that has happened to me in my entire history of having them because I was convinced that it had to be heart related - so far I am still here to tell the tale and have had a few weeks of relief - thank god for this site and the program. Debbie
for 20 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tammy, What a coincidence. I was just going to write a post about my problems with my heart. I have a lot of pain in my heart and surrounding area most of the time. I am so worried that it is just going to stop beating. Because I was a nursing student until the beginning of this month when the agoraphobia took over my life, I have learned a lot about cardiac conditions--a fuel for the panic fire. My EKG test was normal other than a short PR interval. My doc and the doc in the ER said that was nothing to worry about but when I was looking through one of my nursing texts, it said otherwise. I brought it up with my doc (who's amazing) and he sent me for another EKG which was normal but the PR interval was minimally normal. I am seeing a cardiologist on Monday, thank god, I have been waiting 3 weeks so I know what you're going through. You should find out what was abnormal in your EKG and remember everyone's is a little bit different and not every abnormality indicates an impending heart attack. I know that doesn't even matter when you're worried and you feel your heart pounding and skipping beats. What a horrible feeling! Anyways, i wish you luck. Sorry this is so long. Does anyone else have these heart pains? They even go into my back and my arm. Thanks, Sarah
for 20 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Jay I am feeling a little better now, I had a xanax,your support means alot. I thought the same thing how could they worry someone and make them wait a week and still have not set up the test considering I have panic attacks. Your right I am sure they would have put in hospital if they thought it was urgent.Take care

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