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still waiting for the answer

for 21 år siden 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stacey, Barbara and Alexa, Please forgive me as a fellow sufferer for not replying sooner, I had the best of intentions, but my computer crash few days ago, and until couple days ago, I couldnt get access to the internet. Anyway, it is disheartening that some people whom we do reach out too, and try with all our might to explain and describe our panic attacks, simply just don't get it. At first when my panic attacks came, my husband (support person) was generally concerned, until yep the tests that the doctor took, to rule out any medical condition came back that I was fine. I had panic disorder, and I think the only words he heard from the doctor was " It won't kill you". So then I too received this, "dont think about it, its not going to kill you". Like I could really dismiss the physical symptoms, like throwing away a piece of garbage. I too started to get angry that he didnt care anymore and what was I to do, who will help me. I even went as far as using his weakness against him, since I felt shafted from his sudden lack of concern, when I needed him to generally listen to me, when I would say, I feeling really nervous, dont feel right, my heart is racing, etc. I can look back and see maybe I was a bit cruel, but it would in turn frustate him. Oh the pleasure I felt from him finding him in a situation (not life threatening) and let him squirm his way out of it, he is a man in general, but to talk on the phone, make himself appointments, inquire into something, he just couldnt do. Im the opposite, so when he would ask me to do one of these tasks, I just turned the tables around and said, You do it, dont think about it, its not going to kill you and walk in the other room. Oh the pleading and begging soon followed with him.-Anyway to make a long story short, I had found a support group that met once a week, one week we had a doctor that specialized in panic attacks come to speak, the families of the sufferers were to come to listen from the professional along with us members, that when in a true state of a full blown attack, yes these arent made up symptoms, but physical ones. He went on to explain, to need to just listen when one of us, if evidently distraught and having those negative symptoms, to help us learn coping skills, etc. The funny part
for 21 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all Good to read your posts. I'm new to the site and it really is such a relief to hear people writing the about things that I believed only went on in your head. It gives me some comfort that maybe the things I fear aren't real (my choice for today is throat or lung cancer plus a overwhelming sensation of 'being found out' (found out about what, I don't know - just that when I'm 'found out', people will reject me). I'm not in the midst of panic right now, just my old friend, anxiety (which, as for some of you, does go if I keep EXTREMELY occupied). I'm based in the UK, but have seen some information about a new herbal remedy for anxiety called Relora (mainly available in the US) - does anyone know anything about it/taken it etc etc. Good to share. Sending you all calm and happiness. Thanks.
for 21 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stacy and Barbara. I too had posted a message with no reply, but don't get discouraged. This is the first time I have replied, I felt such great relief just to read all of the postings. I am not wierd or crazy, there are alot of people in the same boat. I must say that I am on week 3 of this program and I have had the most improvment in my self being that I have ever had. I hope you both are going to complete this program. It has been great for me. As for doctors, I finally switched and it was the best move for me, I would try a new one. I just wanted to let you guys know that alot of people of listening and that you are not alone. When I read your postings, it could have been something that I wrote myself, they were so much a like. Meditation works really well for me.... Olivia
for 21 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Stacey Just a thought, about writing things down- I sometimes have written stuff down and ripped them up into little pieces or on some occasions -usually when I really want to get rid of things - I've taken them into the garden and burnt them. Did this to my wedding pictures after my divorce- I made it quite ritualistic and then said goodbuy to them. I've also done this when I have written a letter to someone that hurt me (in the past) and I needed to let it go. As you might tell I enjoy rituals to help me. I tend to overwork or worry about work - so at the end of the day I go and shredd all my notes or messages that I have delt with and then go an wash my hands. Have read 'How to get what you want and want what you have' by John Gray and this shows you how to let go of past hurts through writing letters. Other books that I have found useful are: feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffries and Anxiety and Panic Attacks by Robert Handy ( this helps to explain the panic attacks) The worksheets that I was referring to is the anxious thoughts sheet and the negative thought worksheets- provided by the panic programme. Also use a book called 'The Good Mood Guide' which helps to identify that the thoughts I am having are: overgeneralistion, catastrophising etc.... I was also on medication for about 8 wks and this wasn't a good thing for me. During this time I also had counselling and unfortunetly I didn't find this helpful either. I got angry with the whole situation and with the panic and decided to get to know as much as I could about panic attacks and find anything that helped me. Really recommend the panic programme - this has been really helpful- but tend not to read a lot on the internet anymore as it used to scare me. On one site I thought this was quite poiniant,it said' just by reading about these symptoms, doesn't mean that you will have them' - this was just how I was feeling at the time. The good thing about this site is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and reading about other people's successes really helped me! Sorry about the waffle, not everything works for everyone, but I find that if you try a few, I find somethings that help. I'm sure it won't be long before you are sharing the things that help you and will be feeling b
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hello erica 3, i want to say thank-you for taking the time to reply to me also. i do write sometimes about how i feel other times i am afraid to write out of fear someone will find it. not that it's terrible just there my true feelings and i have a hard time exposing myself like that for someone to find. i do have alot of stress right now,i think that s why my aniexty is so high. i do know when i am active its go,s away i know its cause i am not worried when i am having a good time only now days i cant seem to stop worring long enough to get involed in any thing.... no i dont take meds i had a reaction to a med once it swelled my thoart and since then i have had a hard time taking anything out of fear it will kill me.you did metion of a work sheets you found on here if you dont mind telling me where did you find them. i am happy for you that you r getting better i hope to soon say the same for myself :)
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi barbara,i want to first say how thankful i am you took the time to reply to me. and yes i to thought i had cancer,a brain tummer. i would get headachs all the time so i thought the worst they gave me a cat scan because i lost the side vision in my right eye at one time only after they told me i was ok my vision was fine to, it's strange how we get all the side effects to something terrible until we are checked. i wish the best of luck to you, thank-you
for 21 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey Stacey things do get better and it takes a while. It wasn't so long ago that I couldn't go out of the house. Try to take each day at a time, sometimes I take an hour at a time and when I'm feeling unreal try to live completely in the present moment i.e I am sitting in my living room and watching TV - this is ok!. I write things down a lot - I have a journal, positive lists of things I have done each day as well as the panic room homework. Trying to workout the anxious/negative thoughts on paper really help. Glad to hear that you are speaking to a counsellor. Are you getting any help with meds? The most important thing that I have found for me is working on my self esteem, the stress and stuff which prceeded the anxiety and the attacks themselves made me lose a lot of confidence and my personality seemed to revolve around only stress and anxiety. Doing relaxation, meditation, positive affirmations and spending time thinking what I like to do and what I do well, and if I can doing what I enjoy, have been my motivators whilst getting better. It is a lot of work, especially on paper and time spent on yourself - but it can be done and learning to take pride in the smallest thing I have done for myself, helps me to feel like I am moving forward. For a person who likes to please others - it has been a big lesson to me to put myself first. Hope some of this helps
for 21 år siden 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stacey, I know how you feel. I too have written on here and still haven't gotten any post on my questions. Sometimes I feel like my problems don't matter to anyone on here. I thought if you wrote on here people would give advice or talk. You are not alone. I too suffer from panic and agoraphobia. Sometimes I feel like people don't understand me and there is no one out there to talk to about what I am going through. I've had this onset of panic about 5 months already. It's very fustrating because everyday I feel sick. For once I wish I could be normal again! I'm tired of feeling lightheaded, unsteady, anxious, nervous, tired and most of all fear! I miss going out, seeing friends, shopping, everything I once used to do before I got these panic attacks. I was so well I don't know how this happened. I had anxiety attacks before but never panic attacks. My anxiety also started around my early 20's. I had just started college. I had alot of stress. I think the main reason was that when I went to the doctor he really scared me. I was misdiagnosed at the time. I had bronchitis. She had told me I could have thryoid problems. From then on I have been afraid of doctors!! I became very scared. Around maybe 3-4 years after I once again got anxiety attacks. But they were never as bad as I have it now. Ever since I graduated from college this year and have been unemployed I have panic and I haven't left my house the whole time only a very few times. I can't seem to shake it off like before. In the beginning I was so sick and even went into depression for about two weeks. I kept think I was having a heart attack due to chest pains. I even thought that I had some serious illness or cancer. All these crazy thoughts would get into my head and would just freak me out more. I know how you feel because I have been there before and feel like no one understands. Everyone says "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD" "YOU DON'T GET BETTER BECAUSE YOU DON"T WANT TO" or "YOU DON'T GET OUT BECAUSE YOU DON"T TRY" I'm tried of hearing people tell me that. It doesn't help! I have tried and I've come a long way but I still get setbacks which I have to start all over again. But don't give up, if you want to get better you, yoursel have to want it enough to do it for yourself because only you know what i
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i want to tell you alittle more about myself since i have not got any replys on my last post. maybe i might be in a hurry for a answer. this all started when i was about 17 year old only i did not know i had a problem till i was alittle older,at around 17 years i noticed i would stay away from people that were sick i was worried i would catch somthing. at one time i had a doctor convinced my throat was swolling he did all sorts of test they all came back fine.then at about 21 i noticed that i only felt normal when i was driving my car i know now its because it took my mind off of what was bothering me only that to was bad because i would drive to a friends house and go in then have to go . i kow that was the flight thing.at 26 it got worse i started 2nd gussing myself started feeling unreal, i would ask people if everything i said made since to them because i was sure i was loosing my mind then i noticed i felt panic if i had to write somthing and and there was no one there to check it because my dumd butt would wander if i was really writting what i thought i was .....i dont understand how i went from worry about my health going to every er knowing i was dying . to thinking my mind is going, and sonner or later i will be a nut and everyone will forget about me.if u can help please do oh and yes i do have a consuler i talk to .. only i dont have a real support person at home my husband thinks i am nuts he says dont worry about it your fine so i stopped talking to him. i just need to know i am not alone cause i sure cant find that on my own :confuse:

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