I am eighteen years old.I have been depressed for two years.First time that I went to a doctor,he only prescribed medication to me.
The problem causes i went to a doctor it was that i could not breathe and i feel somethings there is in my throat.
I consume that medications and my physical problem was treated but my mental problem not only not treated but also it got worse.
I started to sleeping a lot and as well as other symptoms of depression,i got worse.
and this situation cause i fail at school and lost my opportunities although i was a good and talented before that.
My family and my school do not understand my situation and they blamed me .
I consumed that medications for a while but i tired and did not consume anymore.
And started effects of quit consume drugs,i had really bad headache and i could not shake mu head it was in this situation i was raped and i do not tell it to anybody.
This situation continued until i decided change myself and situation because i want to be a doctor and because of my problem i failed in entrance exam so i went to another doctor,he prescribed medications to me and he said some repetitive words but i did not get the result again.
I want to change myself and my situation but i can not,i do not want to lost my opportunities i want to return to life and be a doctor so you tell me,what do i do???