I have a long list of embarrassing moments from throughout my life which jump into my head with no warning or obvious cause... suddenly they are just there and I feel all of the shame and humiliation as if it were happening right now. It's awful.
It is interesting to notice that I do give much importance to embarrassing moments, and just let it go, maybe if could do that with other things in life it would be much easier. But I could't complaint much, since right now I am pretty much ok.
I've come to accept that being embarrassed is part of the human condition however that doesn't relieve the shame that comes with it. If the embarrassment is big enough I withdraw and hide out at home or avoid the situation or people entirely. I don't think I've sufficiently dealt with embarrassment in the past. My self esteem is at an all time low these days and I really am finding this site helpful. I appreciate all of the information and posts.
No one likes to be embarrassed; in fact, remembering a past embarrassment can elicit quite a pang of emotional discomfort even a long time after the actual event. So how do you get over that past hurt? Talk about it! Or better yet laugh about it!
Please share some of your embarrassing moments. The more the better!