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Frustrated ... nothing more or less

for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry I just realized I cut myself off (I write in Microsoft word, then paste over)-
My daughter was prescribed Clonidine 1mg at night, they made sure to scare the pants off me that if she missed a dose her blood pressure could drop and she could die, she is allergic to tomatoes and after having dinner at a friend’s house she started breaking out. All I needed to do was ask if it was ok to give her a Benadryl, was there an issue. I sat on hold 2 hours, waiting to talk to a pharmacist; Chris finally called Walgreens Pharmacy and had an answer in 3 min. I never did get to talk to anyone. Thank God her reaction is considered mild (blisters in the mouth, hives on her skin), had it been a real issue she would have died. That scares me.
I am not a close minded person by nature, I just feel rather defeated at the moment. Writing it out, gave me clarity, it usually does (I used to write problems out then burn them) and allows me work through what I feel, why I feel it, and analyze how I can fix it. Going back to the Dr was already not a happy thought, it took a lot to make that call to begin with, and starting out with a cancelled apt was like shooting the horse in the leg before the race as far as confidence goes. I am trying to stay positive about it, really, really trying; I just have a bad feeling about it out the gate.
Frustration is something I usually walk or run out (like with tennis shoes), it clears my mind and puts me in a place to better digest the situation (anyone can eat an elephant one bite at a time). Sometimes it leads to creativity, sometime it just allows me to find a solution to things, sometimes it only allows me to accept things I have no control over. I'm currently trying to find a different way of coping, because I can't go on a walk or a run, I can't clear my mind to draw, I am just a giant ball of frustration.
for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shadowkeeper,
Thanks for sharing more of your story.  You have been through so much and I can only imagine the utter frustration when seeking help from doctors only to be disappointed over and over again.  I'm glad you feel safe to let out your dissatisfaction.  As Ashley said, I hope you feel comfort in knowing you can come here to vent and receive support. 
How have you dealt with these frustrations?  Release the tension?

Vincenza, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

What got me about this is that I pay for insurance (well a portion of it), plus a whole bunch of out of pocket expenses. Yet I can't get timely care (in my opinion). I have had other insurance, my company switched to Kaiser 3 years ago. Under other carriers, mental health aside, I received much better care. I was able to get an appointment in a speedy manner, with Kaiser for a non-urgent appointment it’s a minimum of 2 weeks.

These are solely my experiences, no one else, make your own decisions for your own reasons (my daughter has ADHD, she is under treatment and has had fantastic success. My son got a correct diagnosis, last semester he was all F’s he is now A’s & B’s). My experiences with the mental health field have been touch and go. I was diagnosed at eight with generalized depression, and as I got older they seemed to scramble for a label. At 11 they told my Grandma I was depressed, passive aggressive and I’d be pregnant by the time I was 15 (I still have that report).  At 14 they put me on birth control because it must be a hormone problem. Under a diagnosis of PTSD after a car accident (18 yrs old) they started giving me meds. The meds didn't help the issues, and I started having side effects they would fix with more pills. At 19 almost 20 I had my son, they called it PPD and gave me different pills, with different side effects. At 22 I had my daughter and was still being treated for PPD, soon to be changed to Bi-Polar and a regiment of Depakote & (insert pill here), according to the Dr's because of thyroid conditions in my family, Lithium wasn't an option and there were only 2 drugs to build treatment on, so Depakote it was. After being told I wasn't capable of holding a job and should just go file for Social Security (23), I hit bottom (I had also always been employed, I was fired from one job after I collapsed a "side-effect" of the meds). I looked at my kids pulled myself up and started pulling it together. I got my first office job on 10/31/02 (24), my brother died at 6yrs old in a fire set by my 4yr old son 11/26/02. I kept my job, my wits and did everything I was supposed to do. I continued seeing my Dr, which continued handing me meds that either didn't work or had side effects worse than the illness. In 2006 after 20 years I said enough! I got rid of a Dr that wouldn't listen and my lying, cheating, manipulating ex-husband. This is prior to having Kaiser, and I can say I have not been impressed with the level of care I have received with previous coverage. Dr’s didn’t listen, they didn’t even pretend like they cared, it was all about shoving a scrip in my hand and shoving me out the door.

For almost 6 years I have done it on my own (meaning without medication), I have weathered every storm, a divorce case, custody battle, personal attacks, finding out who my real friends were, medical issues, quitting smoking, getting and keeping a better job, starting a healthy relationship, moving out of my moms and in with roommates, out of there in to my own apt, out of my apt in to our current home. So many changes, but I got through it all, minimal problems problem.

I am frustrated by the fact that this is hitting me the way it is, that of things I faced, of everything I have accomplished it's my stupid hip I injured in 1992. I am frustrated by the prospect of going back into the broken cycle of feeling like I have no voice, that my concerns will be brushed off like broken appointments, in the event that I have to be prescribed something, will I be able to get an appointment if there is a problem. This is not senseless worry it is legitimate concern. My daughter was prescribed Clonidine 1mg at night, they made sure to scare the pants off me that if she missed a dose her blood pressure could drop and she could die, she is allergic to tomatoes and after having d

for 12 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shadowkeeper,
I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations you have been experiencing trying to make an appointment.  I must say though, it is so nice to hear how lovely your husband is to you.  It is also very nice to hear that you can appreciate him.. You two sound like you deserve eachother.

I understand that you do not want a solution to this problem and you just wanted to vent.  What was important about this situation? How did writing it out help you? How are you feeling about the situation now?

Ashley, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

First let me say, I have no idea where to post this - here looked like the best fit.

I have said multiple times that after 20 years of Dr's I really don't think there is anything down that road for me.

My boyfriend is awesome, he is my biggest supporter/ cheerleader/ ///////// he is my rock. He tells me I'm wonderful and bunch of other sparkly good stuff no one wants to hear, he is also one of the first people to do that (in honesty I don't know how to take it, I just smile and say thank you, sometimes I think he does it just to watch me look awkward). He treats me like a princess, opens my doors, has the patience of a saint with me, and spoils me rotten (again not used to this). We have been together for 3 years (almost 4), he started dating me knowing I was a divorced mother of 2 kids, which he treats better than their own father. I love him, not for what he does, but who he is - his heart, sense of humor, smile, intelligence. If I could hand pick the traits of another human being to spend my life with, I'd choose him.

 How are these related? He has been dropping hints, and subtlety is not one of his talents, that I should see someone, he has watched my mood plummet since my hip messed up. He expected it to kinda fix itself, I have had periods of depression during the course of our relationship and I work through them myself. This time, is in his opinion the worst he's seen, he loves me and he supports whatever I do, but he felt he should voice his concern. He is also not amused that they handed me a cane and decided it it’s not better in 5 weeks they might do an MRI, he has been by my side through this whole thing. He drove me to emergency, held my hand when they injected the joint, and takes the day off work to take me to the Dr. when I go.

Yesterday, I called to make an Intake appointment. The initial appointment was for Wed., and then they called back and moved it to the 21st. It really kinda frosted my cookie, not because I think it's a personal jab, but because the last time they did this (re: my sons counseling appt) they called every time the appointment got close (one time as I was walking out the door to leave) to re-sched. After 3 months of them moving the appt out, I gave up and quit making appts. I have Kaiser so I don't have a choice on where I go, and they know it. On top of it, they've been in the news for this practice (as well as a few others) and they get up there and deny it, saying those reports are biased and unfounded. After I hung up with them, I was ready to call back and cancel it all together – I’m really not 100% behind this to begin with and it will be the end of April before I see an actual Dr. (the intake is with a clinical social worker, I know the average apt times because both my kids are seen there, 4-6 weeks is standard for next available apt). I’m doing it because someone I love, and that loves me has voiced a concern, which makes it worth my time to try it again. I didn’t call and cancel; I’m voicing my frustration and indignation here instead (no, I’m not expecting anyone to have a solution, I know the only thing I can do is sit and wait).

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