Goofy, how interesting of you to say how your environment (your home) can be a reminder of how much depression affected you. I think it is a great idea to start fixing it up, you seem like you have lots of work ahead of you, but I like how you broke it up into baby steps. The end result will be worth it.
I look forwarding to hearing what other members plan on doing.
What is the NEXT thing you need to do, to start doing, to get better? Why?
1. fix my house (I've this broken down into baby steps)
Improving my environment will help me to be more positive. My home is currently an on-going reminder of how sick I was with the depression. I am embarassed to the point I don't let people come here. I let few family members even. I hate being here and I hate seeing the mess that is the residuals of 2 years in the bed (no housekeeping,cleaning,maintenance, etc.)
I need to be rid of this reminder and I can do that by painting, changing the flooring, getting new windows, fixing other things that are broke or in disrepair, buying new furniture (I gave most of it away after dad died, because I inherited some things I wanted to have). My list goes on....but you get the picture.