When I'm alone, I make sure I stay busy. The more idle I am, the more lonely I become and the more depressed I become.
I do meditate, I post on-line and do other computer activities. I have this game I play on here that is very relaxing, I don't worry about the score, I just watch the little ball bounce around. rofl, now that's being productive.
I do try to find a project to work on though I don't have expectations of a completion date, I don't want the stress. I am referring to projects like hobbies.
I also don't turn down an invitation - argh, this is a hard one for me. I want to be a hermit and not answer the door or the phone. I just want to be alone (the pity party) but making myself accept an invitation (if I get one) is hard too!
I also try to plan ahead if I know I'm going to be alone. My worst habit when I'm alone is crawling into bed, covering my head and sleeping and I can do that for days on end. So I work very hard to avoid that - though I've not been 100% effective!!!!!!!!!!
Hope these suggestions help you. Oh, I also come to the depression center and post or read old posts or work the session or review homework....it keeps me thinking. I am making progress even though I am alone.