Diva, Goofy and Ashley,
Thank you for your responses, they make me feel that at least someone is listening (hearing, reading, I don't know) in this world where it seems that there is no-one listening because they interrupt, ignore, or simply just don't show up for meetings, or egg you on (be it on purpose or not).
Friday I went to the Psych Clinic for my Assessment (I actually got in right away). The Therapist (and her student) (no problem 2 people) doing the Assessment had a bad habit of shortening my name, which I drew her attention to (she even had my name written wrong on her file (shortened). I did tell her what my name was and that I really didn't like the shortened version and never have and never will. Well from then on it was shortened version, oops sorry, proper name each time she addressed me. Yes, we all know I have anger issues, I thought I controlled myself very well when I didn't pop her after one too many times. So next time, Friday, if she does it again I will shorten her name to the masculine version and see what her response is. (silly, immature, yes, but I have to do something before I pop her). Why is it when you go in for an assessment, they ask you what you think, do you see patterns etc.? I am there for help, tell me what you see, because all I see is that everyone out there is out to p... me off and drag me down and see what they can do to help me speed along the natural process of all life (is what it seems like right now). I know my thoughts are distorted and the cyclical thinking pattern that I have needs help, if I had the answers, I wouldn't ask for help, blahhhhhhhhhh.
Then I had a break and completed the questionnaire and went for a walk and cried and cried and cried (not sure if it was the walking (which normally happens when I walk for more than 5 minutes) or the futility I felt when speaking with the Therapist.
After this I sat and waited to see the psychiatrist. Wait, Wait, Wait, therapist, shortened version of my name, oops sorry, proper name, go in and the psychiatrist starts saying anger issues, intensive therapy, what do I think my problem is, what do I see as the mitigating factor, what happened in my childhood, do I see where my anger or original sadness came from, bang, bang, bang, question, question, question, all of which I don't have answers for, because if I did, I wouldn't be there asking for help, and it didn't help that he was a complete stranger, I was very uncomfortable, I was 1 of 5 people in the room, I only had brief interaction with one other person in the room prior to the meeting (by the way I am not good in crowds of more than 2 other people (whether I know them or not)). I couldn't ask any questions, because I was being firebombed and just about blew a gasket on this nutjob who is supposed to help (I know he probably has his reasons, but they were completely unclear to me). I couldn't get a word in edgewise other than I don't know, I don't know, I guess, maybe, then it was on to the next attack.
So my meeting was over, I am as confused as ever, he wants to touch me (shake my hand (eww, icky, you don't touch people you don't know) and I tried to leave the office in a hurry but I had to pull my sleeve down because the handle and door were filthy (brown wood door, silver handle, completely black where a hand must touch it). I was exhausted, felt brutalized, ignored and otherwise completely overwhelmed. I tried to process everything over the weekend, but I have nothing to process, because I have no answers and I have to wait till Friday to see where they plan on sticking me (like I have a choice, it must be their way or I get no help or have to dish out more money than I have to hang on to my sanity).
I went home and grabbed my daughter (not really) and