I have worked for years to control my anxiety. Especially since my depression attack in 2005 with the help of Phobies-Zeroes. But to tell the truth I have had slow and little success with it!
Until now. I realised that it is one of my symptoms of bipolar mood change; this anxiety. As I become depressive the memory goes and I hoard information and I verify everything lots of times ... So my house has become a stock pile of junk. Then as I beome hypomanic I have too much energy and begin projects, I spend too much money on junk,... and more stuff to storage...
well since the flood in the basement and the meds kicking in. I have had a good control over most of my anxiety. And I have thrown out a bunch of old stuff! can you believe it I have three big garbage bags outside full of paper, clothes and stuff for tomorrow's pick-up? it is amazing.
I always let the men of the house take care of the garbage, so that I do not do the ... I can reuse this ... I can keep this ... it might be good one day ... I cannot let go, there is always that second guessing. So i say nothing and let others do this while I hide and do other things. Now that I am stable, the anxiety is relativly under control so I can get normal things done!