Hello there, my first post on here. Been suffering with major 'depression' for 3 years, I'm finally seeing a psychiatrist as an emergency someday soon as I've been pretty damn suicidal and hopeless :( -though better for reading this forum :)
I feel dark dark anxiety, confusion about what's real, thoughts and theories going round in crazy ways to twist everything to attack myself and find contradictions, but appear OK/rational to people (and to the part of me that says nothing's wrong!) and holding down a job just.
Done CBT, changing my environment and still considering quitting job/where I live, homeopathy(?), psychotherapy (terrible therapist!) therapy, yoga, eating well, exercising in moderation, stoppping alcohol and caffeine - they started messing me up even in small amounts once I stopped my meds. They mostly help but I'm trying to fully accept (part of me still doubts it) that medication is needed in righting the brain. This is because the jury's still out:
I've been taking Mirtazapine for over 4 weeks now, 15mg for 2 weeks and then 30mg. 3 weeks in, I went on holiday for some winter sun as i hoped the meds would kick in - they hadn't done much till then, the odd better day, but some pretty nasty ones especially after increasing the dose. Seriously considered suicide on New Year's Eve...
Big error - trapped in foreign country, suicidal. Luckily had a friend with me. I got referred to psychiatrist out there. I've come home early - what an expensive mistake!!!
She gave me Lactimal and Seroquel at low doses to stabilise me and the mirtazapine. maybe as a stopgap? felt some postive effect first couple days, now back to usual. at least i'm home with more support even if the weather's terrible....
This is my third anti-depressant. I gave Citalopram 4 months with no real difference, even on a higher dose. I was then put on 60mg Cymbalta. I took it for about 10 months. i started to stabilise and had periods of feeling 'normal' after a while, though i *thought* mainly due to lifestyle changes. The loss of libido really worried me - the depression tied in with a long term relationship ending and I couldn't see how i would get another partner and try to move on - major pscyhological issues there.
So I stopped it over 5 months, I thought i'd made it through nasty periods each time I lowered it, only to have a couple of months trying to tough it out, manage with dark darkness, feelings of failure (going through all that only to be kicked in the teeth at the end!) and crippling indecision before I finally bit the bullet and went on Mirtazapine - doc suggested as better for side effects. I know I shouldn't see this as failure but I do..
So, i suppose what i want to ask people is:
1. how long do you give the meds to work? I think I've been patient?
2. What is working? Maybe the Cymbalta was the best I could expect? I do expect a lot I guess - a real perfectionist streak that gets twistedly out of hand when depressed..but surely i should expect one that allows me to be me? whatever that is???
3. What side effects do you accept and how do you deal with them? If I do have to take them for a couple more years or even life I can't cope with the sexual dysfunction.. I just hope I can find a med that works that doesn't hit too hard there. Shame mirtazapine ain't working as supposed to be better on that one.
4. I realise my brain is damged and needs to be treated well, but I'd like to go for a few drinks with friends now and again or dancing or hopefully on dates etc. without it messing me up big style afterwards. Will this ever happen again? It's just another way my life feels different and a pale imitation of what it used to be...
5. I've got a feeling (though could be bull****) that dopamine could be the answer, but scared of venlafaxine/effexor - seems like it's one for life. anyone got an