Thank you so much, Eve (and Danielle, too) for your kind words and encouragement. I want you to know that I did "get through it," and now I have a winter holiday so I'm really enjoying a couple of weeks off. I think I was doing some really heavy work with my therapist at the same time and so I was just getting extra, extra overwhelmed. Eve, I don't think your idea is silly at all, and I know just what you mean. When I ma helping someone else - especially in a crisis- I can be so competent and thoughtful. But for myself - nothing! I do manage to get through these high-pressure times, but at great cost to myself. Each time I think I'll never get through this! It is something to think about ... why is it so hard to transfer the ability to caretake and organize and problem-solve for others over to the self? I know Christmas time can be very stressful for lots of people with so many social occasions and family demands. Here's hoping you have experienced some real love and peace and joy this season. All the best to you -