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2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 19 år siden 0 99 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey batty, i left my therapist's office feeling very down. he was not at his best. it was obvious he was stressed out, overworked, and to me it just felt like he wanted the hour to get over with. of course, i immediately take that to the extreme...he doesn't care, i'm just taking up his time, etc. etc. etc. none of which are true. he was just having an off day. but it seems like there's no gray area with me. one small insignificant thing can send me to the bottom. i know how you feel regarding your job. but you could look at it another way. obviously the people who have decided you should meet with the inspectors think you are smart enough and competent enough to handle it. i don't know if this helps but try to remember that inspectors are just bureaucrats whose job it is to find fault with everything. they aren't necessarily any smarter than anyone else, they are just more observant and detail-oriented. if they find something wrong, don't take it personally, it's just their job. it's what they do, their little place in the world. i wish i had answers for you but i don't. i'm afraid i'm not very inspirational today.
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i know kendy. i just dont get all the ups and downs. its almost like a cruel joke. just when i seem ok all of the sudden blam! im not again. i guess i have alot on my mind. im 36 years old and have no clue who or what i am. i feel like contenment will never find a place in my life. sure i can fake it. im great at that. but i want it to be reeeeal. my life is about time. im constantly watching the clock. time to get up, time to go to work. time to do this and time to do that. i never relax. its like i cant breathe. and i know im not saying anything new or something someone else has said or felt a million times. im not any more special or different than anyone else, but what cant i be? i want to be. ya know? im just tired. so tired. im at a crossroad. i have some really tuff decisions i have to make. to stay or go. thats with work and thats with life. it would be so much easier just to check out. problem solved...for me. it would be easier to leave my job than do what they need me to do. they want me to start meeting with people. important smart better than me people. but im afraid. im afraid of people. that is why i am on a site like this. i can hide here and feel safe. i can say anything and no one knows me. i could never talk like this to people i "know". that would be too much. i couldnt do it. i couldnt. meeting with people makes me already feel stupid and beneath them. and i havent even done it yet. my first meeting is in two weeks with state inspectors. see, i work for a beverage manufacturing company and i am the quality control manager. how do u not feel stupid and like a loser with inspectors when u feel like the everyday of your life? know what i mean? anyways, ive rambled on and on enough and whined enough. im tired and i just want this day to be night so i can go to sleep. i hope you are doing better than i. you seem plugged in and at least you are still here. what would you do kendy? if you where in my shoes, what would you do? run, hide or stay and try? would you risk it? is it even worth it, i dont know. take care. hugs.
for 19 år siden 0 99 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey batty, i feel for you honey. i went through this last week with my psychologist. i feel like all i want is to know that i matter. he asked me if i thought the problem was really that i didn't matter to myself? the more i thought about it, the more i realized he was right. it doesn't matter how many people would tell me that i'm worthwhile or that i have a place in this world...all of those things people tell you. it doesn't matter because deep down, i don't believe them. but it's the illness that keeps us from seeing it, from feeling it. it is so damned unfair! sometimes i swear if one more person who have never experienced depression tells me to hang in there i will go stark raving mad...oh wait, i already am stark raving mad... i can tell you that i care what happens to you but i can't sit next to you and pat you on the back and stay with you until the monsters go away. i'm a name on a screen. all i can say is that i will keep reading and keep replying for as long as i can. you do the same. thinking of you -- kendy
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
ya know what i have just come to realize? i am not wanted nor am i needed around. i feel people "put" up with me. maybe even on here. im a burden and thats not self pitty it just is what it is. right now i just feel like crawling into a hole and hiding away. one minute i was ok and then the next im feeling very sad. im in a catch 22 kind of thinking right now. i know that people have their lives and deserve to but it would be nice to be noticed. for someone to be even happy to see me. i feel taken forgranted. i wonder what everyone would do if i wasnt around. im starting to feel that familiar feeling again. i dont know what to do. my logically ability is nill at the moment. maybe this feeling of utter sadness will pass. maybe. but right now i am not feeling very well. am i cycling? im so up and down right now. ill tell my tdoc. i just need to hold on until this subsides.
for 19 år siden 0 99 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My psychologist once told me that it's not always his job to make me feel better in the moment. There are times when I leave feeling very relieved but there are other times when I feel "worse". I have found though, that there's usually a reason. I wouldn't quit therapy yet but I would tell your tdoc how you are feeling after your sessions. They can't really help you if you aren't completely honest with them, as difficult as that can be. Right now I'm going to college (again). I left my job of 14 years last fall and am taking a few classes in the hope that I can conquer my panic disorder enough to go back and get my master's degree. Don't know yet if I'll make it. School just started and I had to drop one class because the teacher gave me a really bad feeling and the room was so small and crowded that I had a major panic attack. I just couldn't hack it. I'm lucky because my husband is willing to take on earning the money. I know you don't have that option. So no matter what, there are challenges I guess. I have to get to class. I have therapy tonight so I'll try to talk to you tomorrow. hugs back at ya!
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
im ok...been a lil irritable, slightly. i know that is part of the bipolar. i do think the pills are helping. normally when i would get this way i would just "explode" for lack of a better word. so i think the pills are keeping me in check. i still get a lil irritable when im having and episode but im not over the top freaking out making a big deal of things. so..that is good. but they might have to change one of my meds because of my liver. which worries me a bit since the combo of meds seems to be working pretty good. i cycled a bit but no where near what i normally would do. does that make sense? im trying very hard to not feel sadness. i go to my tdoc today and im not happy about going. it seems i dont want to feel down and everytime i go i leave feeling down and worse than when i went in. i really want to stop therapy but i know my pdoc would like me to continue. i wonder too if i stop will i be ok. maybe its helping and i dont know. do you ever get that way? im getting a lil ancy (how do you spell that??) like i gotta get away from meds and doctors and work and such. its a good thing that i have a three day weekend away from work coming up. i need the break from these people. do you work? what has been going on with you...anything positive? if you feel comfortable, can you share more about you? tell me what you enjoy if anything. i know thats hard considering how you have been feeling. i guess i worry about ya alot. you know that. anyways, i better go. take care kendy. thinking of ya. big hug.
for 19 år siden 0 99 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi batty, thanks for thinking of me. It's up and down...no pun intended. I thought I pretty much hit bottom Monday/Tuesday of last week but by Friday I was right back down there again. I guess that's another way this feels different. But I'm still here, still holding on. Can't say I'm always happy about it! ;) How about you?
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
how are you doing?

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