Hi, i was so glad that you mentioned support. WHO supports you i think is one of the biggest factors influencing how you deal when it gets really bad. For a long time i would just hide from everyone, lock myself in my room and cry until i didnt feel anything. now i really am trying to avoid those old habits although often thats ALL i want to do, and try to find suppport from my partner and close friends. what was hardest for me was to admit that i did need help, i was taught as a child to deal with my problems on my own, and 'hide the dirty laundry' when other people were around. i think its great that you try so many relaxing techniques life prayer and meditation, i think the more resources we have to turn to when it gets bad the better, including this group. i used to think that i was just having a really bad week, and that everyone cried for hours on end and when asked, couldnt give any reason why. we all live in our own 'normal' world, hey? anyway, just wanted to encourage you; cheers to you for hanging in there when it got really rough, you encouraged me today.