my name is shannon. i'm 33 years old, a mother of three, full time student in the nursing program. last year at this time i was beaten within inches of my life. i've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and post traumatic stress syndrome. i have been on 5 different anti-depressants since may of this year, i'm also taking restoril to help me sleep, and xanax for anxiety. i've been suffering with depression as far back as i can remember. i've always been in abusive relationships, jumped from man to man. also have many other problems. i'm currently seeing a counselor, which by the way isn't helping. i've also seen a psychiatrist, who said medication isn't going to help me, only time will help. well if i'm relying on time to help when in the hell is it going to happen? i'm so angry at everyone all the time, i'm afraid to show any emotion. i take my anger out on the wrong people. my family has no idea what i'm going through and it's hard to explain my feelings and my situation to people who don't understand. i'm totally disgusted with people, and just life in general. i can honestly say that if i didn't have children i would have removed myself from this world many years ago. i'm tired, confused, don't care anymore, digusted, and basically just fed up with everything.[color=Purple]Text[/color][color=Blue]text to be purple[/color]