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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 10 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

CBT is like climbing a mountain. At first it seems the foothills are even far away. And once you start it seems so big you can never do it. But once you start the actual climb things get clearer and you can stop often to rest. You start to notice things from a different point of view. As you get to the top there is less to change and you can enjoy yourself more. Once you are at the top all you have to do is make sure you don't fall off. And you can explore without fear.
The best way to do it is to just do it, one foot in front of the other. No thinking that you can't do it because you can. And don't look for changes because if you do you will compare and slide back to how you were. The past is the past, don't let it colour the future. Changes are subtle and happen over time but one day you realize you are less anxious and the triggers are less effective and it scares you because this is really a foreign feeling to be without anxiety. Don't even think about it, don't let it have power again, just enjoy the feeling of freedom.
For some CBT is like launching a boat in heavy surf. They go back and forth till they finally break through to calmer water and can just ride up and down without having to work. They can enjoy the ups and downs only having to row once in a while to stay off the beach. It is the same water and the same motion just not so harsh.
If you want you can pick your own metaphor to keep track of where you are. 
The goal is never to stop other than to rest till you are where you want to be.
The only other option is medication and that may work but your mountain will be wrapped in clouds and your ocean in fog. For some it is the only answer but if they add CBT it can remove the clouds and lift the fog. Unfortunately too many just settle for the medication. Half a life is better than no life I guess. Me, I want a whole life.

for 10 år siden 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit. I believe in CBT and my goal is to be like you not have this rule my life. 

There are just something's I need to get used to like set backs maybe and triggers. I'm going to work very hard to get there. I'm stronger than I realize. It's hard work but I'm sure it will be all worth it.

for 10 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

The program (and it is not my program, I'm a member like you) is carefully designed to step by step get rid of the blocks in your way to getting cured. It can work. It needs your help. If you have given up on a cure then what have you got to lose. You could slowly methodically do the program just to be sure there is no cure for you, because I think there is and this could be it. Don't you want to be like me, free from all this anxiety crap. You can be. You don't know me, you don't know how bad I was because on here I don't sound like I have an anxiety disorder or ever did have one. I will always have an anxiety disorder but never again will it rule me. Never again will I get stuffed into an ambulance and sent to the psych ward. I may have the odd panic attack. (my life is hard and there are lots of triggers but usually the worst I get is sad) I have more stress than the average person but it doesn't show because I know how to handle it. This is CBT and it does work.

for 10 år siden 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Jaydee and Davit.  If I could find a cure, I would definitely share it with you too.
But I've come to terms of it being no cure....but manageable through my daily life.  As I laid in bed with a big headache last night from the all the anxiety from yesterday. I've realized a few things:
1) That I am just one of the unlucky one with a sensitive alarm.  I see myself as like a high end car alarm, that even with just a blow of wind, the alarm goes off. 
2) And when I feel panicky or anxious, I with tell it to stop and like a Genie, Davit said. tell it to go back in to the lamp.
3) I'm the ONLY ONE that keeps my anxiety around...I keep going it over and over in my head and not giving the mind the chance to bury the memory and recover.
I hope to put this in place today and see where it leads me...hope it leads me to my OLD self.  I want to start driving again like I was 16 and just got my license and new car....oh those memories still make me believe.
for 10 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jay Dee

In our memory we always have two choices, right and wrong. Two thought patterns, two Genies. The problem is that due to peer pressure and core beliefs, the thought pattern we got used to is the one the ugly Genie has been saying to use. The Genies are just metaphors to give body to the two thought patterns so you realize that you can have more than one way of thinking. Shari used dragons to give body to her fears. All different coloured dragons. I made the bad Genie big and mean because what your thought patterns are doing is just that. The other Genie is small because you are slowly using those thought patterns in a small way because they are so foreign compared to the thought patterns you have been using for so long. Changing thought patterns is just as hard to do as changing vehicles or houses if you have to. Some people find it easier than others. Some of those negative thought patterns are just as comfortable as your car or house. But if your car or house was no longer practical you could change it to something that works better. You might miss it (relapse) but you would eventually forget it just like you will do with the wrong thought patterns. Some thought patterns were not always a problem. Like fight or flight they may just have grown all out of proportion. So the right one might just be a smaller version. Like the smaller genie, still protecting you just not as aggressive. In the background not in your face. In moderation anxiety and panic are good things. So you want to change or in some cases add on thought patterns that are more important while down sizing the ones there if they are still useful. Like taking worry and/or fear while driving and down sizing it to concern so you can drive comfortably but still be safe.  Ugly genie (worry or fear), small Genie (concern) Still a Genie, still there to protect you as fight or flight if you need him. (as an appropriate thought pattern) But knowing when to get back in the bottle.
With the right thought patterns fight or flight doesn't get out of hand. 

This is probably as clear as mud. But if you want a Genie to cure your panic look for one named thought patterns. He is the cheerful guy in the bright colours. He will gladly help if you work with him but he can't do it alone. 

for 10 år siden 0 219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I wish I had words to help you. I will try my best. Fear is an emotional thing that serves us in fearful situations, like a tornado or fire. It helps us to make the decision of fight or flight. It shouldn't hinder us in our daily lives and activities. For some reason, with people like us it does for some reason. I want it gone too. I want to drive like I did years ago. I drove the highway to work daily, in any weather condition with no fear. Concern at times yes, but never this fear that is always there now. I tried to think of the genie that Davit suggested. My fear genie is ugly and evil looking. He's really big too. I can't picture the good genie though. Hopefully soon, I can picture the good genie. Keep in mind that setbacks happen. But, if you've done the program, you're not at step one, you're ahead of that. Keep that in your mind. That's what I do. Hang in there and repeat again tomorrow. If you give up and start the avoidance over again, it gets harder to do the next time. You can do this!! You want to!! 
for 10 år siden 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel really anxious. Had a panic attack while driving earlier and I feel real anxious and disappointed....I don't know what to do anymore.... I hate feeling like this.
Help please.

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