Hi all,
I went to my son's swim class today and the pool closes the bleachers to avoid having to clean-up. I get to sit in a small closed room that smells of cool pool and too many people and burnt hair dryer (all the smells of my childhood !!!
But being slightly claustophobic, I was not looking forward to the little room... so I brought some cards with me. I have several decks with messages; the goddess deck, the angel deck, the power deck, the chakra energy healing deck, and the tarot de marseille. I do not do the -look into the possible futures and chose the best path- thing. I use them to do a sort of meditation. I look at the message and pull out what is most pertanant to me for the moment.
Today, I choose the nutrition/relationship secondary chakra card. So I took it as needing to look at my diet more carefully and eating with more care. Also I choose the elbow secondary chakra card. Which told me to choose to have fun now! Of course we were supposed to schedual a pleasant activity for the week-end... :blush:... and I meant to go to the pool.
I made and excuse not to. But my son and I climbed a mud hill at the end of the street where new houses are going to be built. Usually we find rocks with lots of marine fosiles. There were none BUT we had fun getting dirty and breaking rocks open... and looking at patterns and colours. We spent together and had a good laugh. We shared a sushi plate and did the groceries quietly and calmly together. We had fun.
So I guess, the card helped me to focus on the good thing about my day. Also, it has given me a goal to work towards this week that will make me feel good and give me a sense of accomplishment.
Do any others have this type of simple tool? A chicken soup for the soul book that you open up and read a story once in a while? or a book of inspirational phrases that gives you a positive thought for the day? A calander with a picture for each day that reminds you to smile for a moment? A CD with a favourite song you listen to 100 times in a row?