Hi, Gabbi. Getting away from your husband doesn't neccessarily mean leaving your kids. I don't know the laws where you live, but I'm sure there are ways to ensure that you can keep your children with you and still have a chance at a better life away from this man. Its all a matter of making the decision to make it a reality on your end. You are capable. You just need to look into your resources and a decent attorney. Usually, courts determine that children who have been raised primarily by the mother are to stay with the primary care giver. I do not know if you have social services in your country, but I found a lawyer thryough them. In the states, all attorneys are required to do a certain amount of civic duty free of charge...Don't get me wrong, I did not get a ton of money or "stuff" out of my ex...and I never would have expected to, but I do have my son full-time...and I'm away from the person that used to abuse both of us for good.