The Mood Tracker is a very important tool that can help you note changes in your mood - and it can help you and your therapist begin to see exactly how you're feeling. It's important to use the Mood Tracker daily because it's very hard, if not impossible, to track your mood the day after because we often forget the minor details - especially if you're depressed.
Are there any bright spots in your day at all? Do you feel depressed 100% of the time? If you're depressed 99% of the day then make sure you use your Mood Tracker to note what you were doing for the 1% of the day when you momentarily felt not as depressed. This is hard work, but if you use the Mood Tracker you and your therapist can begin to work on slowly making changes in your life that will decrease your depression and increase the amount of time that you feel better.
Ashley, Health Educator