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2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 19 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Bea and Bob for your replies. I've been looking around the site and I'm very glad that I have found it. I'm learning a lot just by reading. But, I appreciate you welcoming me to this group. I'm meeting the therapist (for the first time) next week Tuesday and i have mixed feelings because deep down I can't wait to see her. Yet, I'm afraid to get too happy because I'm expecting answers and I'm expecting to feel "good" again quickly. I'm afraid to be positive because I might get disappointed if I don't feel better after my first session. I hate all this over-analyzing/over thinking this issue. Today was a horrible day at work actually. I didn't take it out on my school kids, but I know that I'm not doing a good job teaching. I missed two days of work this week because I couldn't get out of bed. I was even dreaming of excuses (for what felt like 10 minutes of sleep) I'd use in case I had to explain it to my supervisor and mother. today - my day back at school - was horrible. I felt like a zombie. I couldn't focus - even when I knew that I had to give the lesson, my mind kept dwelling on how uncomfortable I felt and how difficult it was to HIDE what I was feeling. I don't look at my kids anymore because I feel they can see right through me. I feel guilty because the only thing I'm teaching them is to not enjoy my class because I see them...less enthusiastic about my class. They look scared of me - liek they don't want to make me mad. anyway.... thank you for you comments and advice - to everyone.
for 19 år siden 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
ti shaak, You are definitely not alone. I was just recently diagnosed with clinical depression and my doctor says I most likely have been living with this since I was a child. I tend to believe he is right. It was very difficult for me to accept that I was depressed, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. This is an illness that is very treatable. I'm in therapy now and on medication. It is still too soon to tell if this is the right medication for me, but I am starting to feel a little better. The therapy sessions are also helping me to understand some of my other issues and triggers that send me over the edge. I'm also searching for a local support group where I can interact (personally) with others that can relate to my illness. It is very hard to explain this illness to someone who has never experienced severe depression. Today is the first day I've been able to actually get off my sofa, shower, and go outside. I've been feeling as though I'm in a deep dark hole that is sealed with a lid. Today is the first day I've felt like the lid was removed and I am beginning the climb out of the hole. I'm so happy to have found this site so that I can share with people I know will understand. You can too. Bea
for 19 år siden 0 283 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
ti shaak nice of you to answer my posting. i think i'm sort of border line depressed...stress puts me over the edge perhaps. i was on some medication years ago, but it didn't seem to help, then i went off it and now i muddle through life. i like this site. i look forward to reading the postings. there certainly seems to be a wide range of depression. in any event i know i have problems...i'm just too apathetic to do something about them. sometimes i feel fine. sometimes i just feel tired. it must be difficult at times to teach. i know i often avoid people when i feel depressed. at other times i can be the "life of the party"...don't understand it very well. I joined toastmasters with my daughter because she wanted some speaking experience in preperation for a teaching career. i found that group to be quite helpful socially. i found that various discussion groups help. i am not particularily religious, but i also attended bible study for awhile...i found church too boring, but i enjoyed the interactivity in a church group. i did some one on one therapy for a while...that felt good just after i finished with it...but then i think almost any kind of meaningful communication will make you feel better. I lost a daughter years ago and we went to grief therapy groups and after each session i felt much better. hope to here from you again. don't be too hard on the kids. :-) let me know about the sort of help you are finding. bob
for 19 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think that I am finally coming out of the fog. That's what I've been feeling for the last 3 or 4 months, but with the reflections and journals that I've been writing lately, I think I've felt this way many more times before. I finally went to the doctor (for a prelim. check up) just to make sure that my symptoms aren't coming from another source - but it took a lot to get there. I've also set up an appointment with a therapist. That took too much time because I couldn't accept that I could be depressed, I felt I wasn't depressed enough - they won't believe me because I don't feel like killing myself. But, I know that I'm not okay. I'm a teacher and I never noticed how many times my students would tell me "miss, are you okay? you look sad. are you sick? you look tired..." I heard it first thing in the morning and instead of listening, or wondering WHY in the world are they asking me that, I'd snap at them - I hated hearing that first thing in the morning. I let it go so long that they stopped asking me anything. They don't know what to do - they walk on egg shells for me because they don't know if I'm going to explode today. The saddest thing is that I SEE this happening, but I can't help it and I can't change it - I try SO hard to smile and FEEL what I did when I first started teaching at this school, and I can't find that anywhere within me. I've been searching for information about this everywhere, a part of me STILL trying to convince myself that I'm not ill. But as I sit here typing, I feel that knot in my throat. I'm glad that I found this place in my searches because I think I've driven my sister crazy everytime I call her with one of my updates. JOurnal writing has helped to clear the fog a little because today as I read some of my past entries, I couldn't believe that I wrote some of the things I wrote, and it has helped me see that I DO need help. I hope more people do write - yes, even about the negative things because I know that as I read some things, I DIDN'T feel alone. I couldn't believe that there are people out there that feel like ME. thanks
for 19 år siden 0 283 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi this discussion board is a tool we can use. i urge the browsers to write something. see what happens. write positive or negative stuff. vent your feeling, your despair. i personally get a boost whenever i see that someone has written something i can relate to. take a chance. whats the downside?

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